[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

To be honest it’s probably not worth overthinking it to that extent. I asked Smin above to quantify the amount needed to pass it on the final test, and so did some others. Hopefully he responds to that.

Regardless I would imagine they’ll find a way to push it through. I’ve always upvoted and been in support of the vast majority of the things they’ve done to this game, always left positive reviews and been happy with its state. This is the straw that changes it for me I believe. We had broken APDS for a year, many types of plane cannons underperforming, maps consistently becoming more narrow and head on, spall liners that negate massive amount of post-pen damage on top tier vehicles, etc… At this point imo it’s a general trend that they want maximum survivability, minimal kills to be the trend while simultaneously making matches 1 sided on small maps so they end as quickly as possible. Solid recipe for extending the grind and slowing progress for average and below players or anyone who doesn’t spam meta. (I’m even fine with the grind and rewards as they are now, pre new nation bonus or whatever, but shit like this that modifies the grind via making gameplay worse is what kills me)


It was a popularity vote to see if ppl are interested in a test or not. No one asked for a simple majority of 50%+1. In a practical view, 48,5% still means enough interest to sacrifice a little bit of development time to actually test and see if you can change the minds… Now the openly asked for a significant majority in the next vote.

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Since War Thunder doesn’t have skill based matchmaking this is probably mostly about ensuring less capable players can still get their kills.

  • Cutting down on flanking routes reduces the need for map knowledge (sightlines, time to reach various spots, distances, common and uncommon movement routes) and situational awareness.

  • Increasing time to kill makes misplays less punishing.

  • Removing exposed off center weakspots, mostly on tanks with very strong frontal armor profile, means the light/medium tanks they roll up to have less of a chance to fight back even when played by someone that knows what they’re doing.


I could not agree more. This was my exact reasoning for why they must have diminished the spalling of apfsds at the same moment they added the 2a7 and spall liners earlier in the year. Genuinely the worst gameplay i had ever experienced in WT before they put out the fix and returned spalling to where it should be.


Yeah, testing will be carried over to the live server after the major update

“Testing is available on the DEV server until September 5, then we will take a break and focus on releasing the major update. After some time, we will conduct testing on the main server in the same format — in the protection analysis and an event, since we believe that for an objective assessment, anyone who wishes to vote should be able to test the changes without having to download a separate client.”


I do kind of question why dev server public testing is done during weekdays rather than weekends.

I’ve free time presently as semester and lab is yet to start, but I don’t imagine most of our playerbase has that luxury.

I do recognize staff desiring to tweak need weekdays for it, but still.

This is war thunder, not cod or cs2. This argument is irrelevant here. Also, have you ever played over 7.7 ground? How is this “ttk” over there? That much increased?

How is it irrelevant how many shots need to be put in an enemy to kill him? If anything it’s worse in War Thunder since your reload is measured in seconds.

TTK above 7.7 is largely unaffected by a change of APHE mechanics obviously.

Good thing those are from 8 years ago, and i play Sim. Cry more

your 7 m4a3 76 games speaking numbers rn


It’s a good thing someone else posted the Sim games already as well.

You should be glad I posted the RB games because your sim stats are worse.


what make warthunder interesting is the fact that with enough practice any tank can actually be good. with this nerf now the jumbo 75 is actually just bad. most weakspot will be fixed and now tank that doesn’t have access to a big caliber gun will just be unplayable. its not because warthunder is not a competitive game that it should be ungodly casual. a non competitive game can require skill as well.


My point is, since matches over 7.7 are filled with vehicles that don’t use APHE but mostly inert shells like apds and apfsds, shells that don’t nuke the tank’s insides like aphe does, the “TTK” is still very good, one shots happen often.

Do you know how “TTK” can be improved? Yep, you guessed right, by just aiming better. Or do you want cheesy shots, flicky shots or shots over vehicles so fast you can hardly lead the shots properly to always result in a nuke of their insides?


I have never complained about barrel shooting, and never will. It’s a valid tactic.

People will really waltz into the worst possible position against the worst possible foe and expect a way to claw it back…

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Archer. I imagine it’s kind of workable somewhere like Sinai, but its mobility and backwards gun kind of makes it suffer even there as you cannot relocate easily after kills.

ok, if it will actually be this bad, it’s br will be reduced. But until then we will see how good players will compensate the underperforming nature of the jumbo. So far this is why it’s at the br it is right now, cause players managed to figure out how to compensate the shortcomings.

the rework of the aphe won’t change anything on you interrior getting nuked by being sideshot.

APFSDS has high spall, most higher tier tanks have less crew and less spacious crew compartments and these vehicles also usually have frontal weakspots that allow you to put a shot through most of their crew. That’s not really comparable to lower BRs, the gameplay is very different.

huzzah for testing !

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yes, because jumbo used to shoot weakspot especially cupola on most tank.