
Can you give us more Tonemap and LUT options on Post FX? been trying to make forum post but i guess im bad at it :)

its about right, probably should be a little more on cold maps, these are 20+ litre engines

What you want is fixed missile splash. It’s ridiculous that a missile hitting the ground while you’re going 1400 kph in the opposite direction 40+ meters away just demolishes your plane.

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Yes everyone knows about clouds appearing all the time 2km above sea level irl. Seems legit

Yeah, I agree. Some clouds can occur below 2 kilometres sea level as well, such as stratus or nimbostratus clouds. Fog is common in humid conditions, especially in mountainous areas, where it occurs as upslope fog.

I hope developers can consider these points and make clouds more realistic. Clouds make gameplay both beautiful and dynamic.

Kind of hard to say that as a definitive for every vehicle in the game as a blanket statement. I think the current state is fine for what it is.

If it were to be changed i think it would need to be implemented as its own “stat” (like, amount of engine smoke: 0-100) where every vehicle has its own size of engine smoke modelled based on IRL observations.

If all vehicles has the same then it’s easier to use as a general visibility metric for changing how easily players detect enemies as a whole. Could in that case be used to balance maps for example.

Many options here, all have their own benefits and drawbacks.

Did you look at any of the videos I linked? The engine exhaust is wayyy too noticeable, especially at idle

I just don’t get why the old system was did away with, I liked it, it was realistic, sure a fidelity upgrade may have been in order, but oh well.

I don’t think irl or in game I would or should be able to spot a tank at 1500-2000 meters from engine smoke.

And some tanks have such a massive exhaust, you can literally see that before the tank, on hills and such.

If you look at the videos I posted, it’s rare to see a massive smoke trail, unless in game every tank has a head gasket leak or something.

Has it? when was that?

A couple of years ago now. I can try to find an ancient YouTube video of it.

Oh, i’ve only been playing since mid 2022 i’ve probably only ever played this version then.

Yes the exhaust used to be FAR better and more realistic

Then how are you a game master?? What? XD 2-3 years of time

The title Game Master can be a bit misleading, we deal with in-game Chat- and Name-bans and are not actually any better or have more knowledge of the game than any other player. So its more of a question of good behaviour and the ability to deal out impartial punishments regardless of personal opinions. :)

Ah I see.

But you see what I’m getting at, about the exhaust right?

I don’t think i know enough to have a straight opinion, but i can just repeat what i said before:

Definitely not working for Rocky Pillars map.

They fix one map and call it a fix
classica of course

Colour me relieved

That reminds me…


Nice x)
didn’t know you made comics ^^ is there a place i can find more?

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