Then Gen 3 SARH carriers like the Tornado F3, Phantom, Mig-23 etc should never face Gen 4 aircraft like the Su-27, F-20, F-16A, etc
mig 23 vs f-16 is realistic though
Not when it comes to balance.
true for balance reasons would make sense but IRL it is realistic you gotta admit
Yes, I don’t face Phantoms or Mig-23’s on my Su-27 anyway… I would actually do well if it wasn’t for the constant RWR pings with Fox 3 spam, it’s like last years furball again but way worse, can’t fly high for more than few seconds.
it might be when it comes historical match-ups. But then you should have F-14s at about 11.0
yea, honestly that would be really unbalanced
Thanks for saying what I said.
Update #3 of asking for A10C apkws ccip fix
There needs to be a reduction of engine smoke. I liked how it looked before. Now it’s just a massive cloud that gives away positions, it’s unrealistic
None of these have massive smoke plumes
still waiting for a driver view fix for the m44
It might have been a bug for non-laser-rangefinder vehicles perhaps?
If you had the new combined rangefinder/distance in the sight, if you lfr something it instantly set the gun to the distance, instead of waiting for the ranging to finish
How do you feel about engine smoke, at idle, driving half speed, full speed etc?
What do you mean?
Hey @Stona_WT I was looking at the planned battle rating changes and with the f4C would players be given back anything that was used to purchase any of the modifications that are getting moved around (rp, get, sl)? I know its unrelated to the update but im curious now.
Almost as if it’s a game and not real life? A weird concept to grasp, I get it.
Just in the game as a whole. Is the engine smoke too noticeable?
Because I feel like it is far too noticeable, and unless your on a low temp map, it should be a big white plume that can be seen 1500 meters away
WT devs have an odd priority list for fixing bugs