
Sank you sir

The fix add a new bug. Now after collecting a reward the interface becomes unresponsive and I have to force exit.


how long does it take on average for bug/inaccuracy reports to make it into game? I’ve got a few reports that have been accepted in the past month and was wondering how long until they are rectified (or I get told no for some random reason)

I would imagine anywhere between a couple of days to…how old is this game again? 12 years? Thats the window you can look towards.

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Potential 12 years to fix an inaccurate component, floating smoke dischargers and inconsistent sounds


and STILL. No Sinai or Aral Sea back.

take a look on this: Not recieving XP for modules when playing games in quick order, 3 years ago, 1890 views, 13 comments

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Bomb fuzes are still bugged against water and ships

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Hi, Please use english in this area of the forum. Otherwise you can use https://forum.warthunder.ru/

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You should look on abrams turret ring bug report
and 120S turret ring too

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Aral sea can stay gone

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valid, i guess

would’ve been nice to know when it was on sale… this is the only thing that caused me to not buy it. otherwise I loved the test drive. :(

it was for Christmas on sale

When will the bug with the Ef2000’s thermals be fixed? They randomly flashbang me all the time.


Why is there still no Storm Warning camo crate workshop on consoles?

thats the supersonic vapor cone

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I know its a very small amout of people who play cockpit view with vr, but the german eurofighters hud is not working properly with vr it is not showing targets properly in tws mode they move with the headset very easy fix.