by then will have 829A3 and maybe A4 so wont be too bad
And Russia will have the T-14 lol
SEPv3, M829A4, vs T-14 (125mm since 152 isnt service iirc) and whatever round it uses
who would win?
Then perhaps there will be some hope on the horizon, whilst I do wish the CR2s had a faster reload, id just settle for the ready rack fixes for now. Between the small ready rack and how easy the loader is to kill, it has one of the longest reloads at top tier at times
It’s one of those weird areas trying to figure out what Gaijins stance is.
I think I remember the name being Vaccum-1 for the T-14
And T-14’s APS is a 360 degree hard kill designed to severely degrade APFSDS.
It won’t stop everything, but that’s what the hope the armor will do.
I think the most vulnerable are low rear shots or very low side shots.
Is it slower than 7.1 secs, no matter if you have an aced crew?
i think trophy on abrams is 360 degree, but not sure if it can mess with APFSDS
thats what the armor is for lol
You mean top tier GRB in general. Feels like they have no idea what to do. Between the lack of top tier SPAA, massive compression and more bugs than in the amazon rain forest. I have no idea what they can do at this point to better fix GRB
Oddly enough on WT wiki they have the ace reload for the BN listed as 5 secs. If I was home I would verify on game.
Trophy may be able to degrade older ones, but I think it’s mostly HEAT protection from examples learned in the Middle East.
Nor do I know if they are ACTUALLY putting it on the SepV3, but the track record of trophy by the Israel’s… it doesn’t look good, as simple RPGs we’re able to disable tanks.
SEPv3 already in service, and it does have trophy
IIRC some of the v2s mounted trophy for a bit while teating and before the v3 upgrades
All CR2s have 5 second reloads, but they only have a 4 round ready rack, where something like the SEP v2 has 18 rounds with 5 second reload. Combine with the fact the CR2 has I think the longest first stage replenishment, you can easily spend a lot of time fighting with second stage reload which is about 7 seconds with expert not ace.
If the loader is killed as well, which is laughably easy to do to a CR2, you can have some really long reloads
Ah yes I do see. Circa 2018.
So yes the T-14 (2015) and SepV3 (2018) would probably be the closest 1:1 in terms of production date.
Its about the same when in either the second stage ammo or when the loader is killed. With both its longer. Those are 2 issues the T-series tanks dont need to worry about, you cant kill the loader and it has a larger ready rack
Ahh gotch you. I haven’t touched my bn in a while. They should speed up ready rack replenishment IMO.
Or just give it it’s 20-28 round ready rack
but 4 rounds + longest replenishment time is just insane (about 20 seconds per round). Especially when 5 second reload was the buff we got to compensate for the poor armour modeling and low speed, which has essentially been removed
You can kill the auto loader super easily now… which makes things far worse. My 7.1 sec becomes a 32 sec repair. Makes me feel like I’m playing an IS-2 all over again 😂
But after the repair, its now back to 7.1 seconds. For me I would likely have to also repair my breach (same repair time) and then have a dead loader until I made it to a cap point.