
Oooh mi-35m is a good I have never really liked the side mounted 23mm cannon though.

In game I don’t like a lot of Mi-24s, because it seems that the irccm jammers never do anything, plus Gepards are the same br as the mi-24d, and with the gepards accuracy… your pretty much dead out the Gates. Especially firing just falangas.

The dumb fire rockets are also terrible. The 465 HE ones…

I think the Mi-35 is in a better position than it used to be, but I think a lot of them need Br adjustments as there are a bunch stuck at the same br as others.

I think majority of the irccm is lacking on all helos in game but who knows.

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I haven’t flown a lot of them, but I can evade aams in the UH-1B somehow, but the exhaust vent, irrcm, flare equipped Hind must be a second sun the way man pads nail my helo at 3 miles+

we are all screwed by Fuji premium kids already. we all need our optimal reloads to compete with that crap

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I can 100% agree on… hides my Fuji stealthily

I think it’s the way heat sigs are modeled in WT i think they do it off engine power. Same reason 117 IRCCM is probably under preforming.

Not surprised you have the fuji. No disrespect as the fox is my no1 vehicle but you fave the KA50 as your favourite vehicle and have the BMP2m as your most used so it follows suit lol

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Oh I didn’t buy the Fuji. I have a few buddies that buy me tanks because they want them, and want someone to play them with,

For example:
M1128 Wolfpack
M1a1 click bait
AH-64 (the USA one)
XM-1 (Chrysler)
Leo a1a1
Leo 2a4
Two fronts pack
And a few other tanks are all vehicles someone else bought me as they wanted it too.

I personally bought as far as I can remember:

Mi-24D (before it was a pack)
M4 (FL10)
Tiger II
Turm III
Chi nu II

Great Work!

defo worth getting some use out of the Somua, that thing is incredible in a 7.7 lineup. 20pdr apds can only pen you in a couple spots in the turret frontally. your only major threat is early ATGMs and soviet heavies

The somua definitely has its threats. But I do think the battle pass amx t090/930 needs to go back to 7.7 as 8.0 is a bit insane for a lightly armored big medium with 185 pen.

What kills me, is the Aubl can hardly pen it which is odd as it has a 249mm pen round. But I think gaijin just hate Italy / the Aubl / the m300 round.

the aubl is really good but you need to take advantage of its speed more and still avoid front on attacks


That’s what I do, but the 60mm m300 has the exact same damage as the 30mm rarden for some dumb reason. Not to mention it’s egregious reload for such a small shell.

The speed is slower than the BTR80, fox, eland, etc.
It’s HP per ton is like 19.1 fox has double it lol.

They really need to balance its reload to like 3.5 - 3.75 secs.
And fix the spalling to spall 16.6% more than the rarden.

THEN, any ONLY THEN the Aubl may be a good 8.0
Only problem is, it doesn’t really fit any br good. 8.0 is fine, but it needs a lot of buffing.

Nor do I try head on attacks.

Take a look at this thread, especially the video I sent.

the RARDEN 30mm is one of the few guns with a good amount of spalling. I have no idea where gaijin things the metal punched out of the armour and shaved off of the projectile go but it apparently goes nowhere

It’s that sweet Italian bias. (It’s actually Italy skimming money out of the development of tanks) lol.

But did you look at that video? Two direct hits to ammo. No detonation or anything, and the spall is awful.

Using again the rarden as a example, it’s a 0.3kg APDS at 1175 m/s while the Aubl (m300) is a 0.87 kg APFSDS flying at 1680 m/s

All while being a 30mm vs a 60mm but they spall the same???

Honestly it makes me crave playing the fox more. But I’m getting really close to the Leo2a7Hu

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yes i saw the video. after a couple thousand hours playing britain I’m very very used to that kind of crap.

Larger calibre shells should be getting substantially more spall overall

I can’t say I’ve had too much a problem, but I haven’t used all the Brit tanks quite yet, maybe 1/2 of them

You will enjoy the centurions and conqueror a lot but you will start to notice quite often there is zero spall.

The fox has been suffering from shell shatterings a lot since the update too even on flat paper armour I’m getting screwed over, I died to a TAM today after not being able to pen it anywhere frontally because of 15 shatters

I love the Centurions. Mk2 especially.

I haven’t had that issue in the fox, other than, again the T34, T29, and T26e5 their armor seems to shatter it a lot, and I don’t think it can even pen a T26E5

ooo i love the mk2. Tiger 1 cant touch you frontally unless there’s a gaijin moment and you can run and gun in a way no other nation can until 8.0. Shell shatters arent that bad on 17pdr apds but its still too frequent, people overblow how bad it is.

play it for a while when you get the chance. most the time its fine and then you get like 20 in a row out of nowhere

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