The main reason is that its loading time is too slow. The loading time of 105mm is the same as that of 76mm, but the fragments caused by 76mm APFDS are not enough to compare with 105mm APFDS. It needs to be loaded at least faster than 105mm APFDS
At least it’s faster than the aubl for the caliber. But depends where the ammo is in the roo. At least in the Aubl, first stage ammo sits right between the gunner and commander in the turret basket.
Gaijin pretty much said no to any possible buffs. That’s neat. Poor f’n Italy I guess
Please ask the devs… why the spall is / m300 is so terrible?? I’m hitting ammo directly, and it does nothing, not like I have the reload rate to compensate anyways.
Even my video shows both rounds directly connecting with the enemy’s ammo…
I already tried to bring it up to the support, but due to “lack of technical data” they’re not planning on doing anything, furthermore, I did a test comparison on the AMX(T090/930) by hitting the exact place with a fox, and the Aubl, and they have the same spall.
Which obviously makes no sense.
M300 is a 0.87 kg APFSDS going at 1620m/s
30x170 APDS-t
0.3 kg APDS going at 1175m/s
There is absolutely no reason these should have the same damage / spall cone.
I estimate the spall to be 16.6% greater for the 60mm over the 30mm at the very least.
I’m about to give up on played the Aubl 74 HVG forever. Every match for the last week I keep going 1:2
It’s not even a viable tank, when a 1st spawn Gepard, Za-35, or the super common xm800 usually erases me.
Combine that, with the driver’s hatch screwing up my aiming so often…
170 games in it. But no fun to be had. The Aubl really needs like a 3.25-3.5 second load time.
My latest rounds of footage playing the Aubl, the real question is, should these have been kill shots?
They aren’t perfectly centered sure, but for a 60mm round, if they have to be perfectly center for a kill. It’s a little silly.
I have almost gotten the ace crew now for this tank… it’s probably one of the worst experiences I have with any tank in game… I’d rather play the SU-5-1
The only thing I can say is that you are right…
These are the specifications of the Israeli projectile
the mass of the projectile is not a little greater?
We are talking about the Italian 60mm HVG, I don’t recall who the joint project was with.
Also I was going off of the in game values.
But if it is true that it’s even heavier, that begs the question why the Aubl 74 HVG is so nerfed?
It was joint project with Israel.
Btw this thing also tells about 1.35 kg:
Well I would love for them to fix the Aubl 74 HVG’s m300 and If another tank got this cannon, HOPEFULLY they’ll finally fix m300
As I I couldn’t find any info on if.
Do you have any info on the Aubl 74 HVG? Because gaijin gave it a 6.0 sec ace reload, which is insane. 3.5 secs would be perfect in my opinion
Reloading is a balance parameter, they will change it if more people talk about, but it’s hardly possible with an old event vehicle of small nation, maybe once more vehicles with this cannon and manual reloading arrive.
But does it not seem illogical that if reloads at the say rate as a Leo 2a7?
I highly doubt it will change in my lifetime, as they need “documents to support it” so the support team said.
Doesn’t matter unfortunately, logic rarely gets brought to the table here, HVG rof isn’t the only illogical thing in the game btw. First-order ammorack replenishment time for OTOMATIC, VCC-80/60; higher RoF for same Minizini cannons on Soviet ships compared to Italian and weird RoF differences for navy in general, 5.5 t of “heavy air” in Ariete War kit (armor kit intended to specifically protect against KE makes it worse than Kontankt-1), Italian roof mounted WW2 mgs which reloads longer than they shoot and etc.
Italy is the worst nation compared to anyone practically
Also, for the HE, ‘proximidad’ means it can proxy fuse
Doesn’t the Vcc 80/60 have the same round?