La-200 — a bug that caused parts of the aircraft to float in the air when the tail was torn off has been fixed. (Report).
37 mm Ho-203 cannon — explosive type for the HE shell has been changed from TNT to RDX. (Report).
Rafale C F3 — a bug that caused some MFD pages to not fit into the central MFD has been fixed. (Report).
Hunter F.58 — the mistakenly increased Battle Rating in Ground Realistic Battles has been decreased back to 9.7.
G8N1 — Battle Rating in Ground Realistic Battles has been increased to 6.3, the same as in Air Realistic Battles with the implementation of the planned BR changes. The change was not reflected in the final table by mistake.
Fw 190 A-5 — Battle Rating in Ground Realistic Battles has been decreased to 4.3, the same as in Air Realistic Battles with the implementation of the planned BR changes. The change was not reflected in the final table by mistake.
A bug that caused the move of a vehicle to or from the locked crew to be possible has been fixed. (Report).
A bug that caused the total modification research bar in the vehicle modification window to sometimes move lower and overlap with some other interface elements has been fixed.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.
Hunter F.58 — the mistakenly increased Battle Rating in Ground Realistic Battles has been decreased back to 9.7.
G8N1 — Battle Rating in Ground Realistic Battles has been increased to 6.3, the same as in Air Realistic Battles with the implementation of the planned BR changes. The change was not reflected in the final table by mistake.
Fw 190 A-5 — Battle Rating in Ground Realistic Battles has been decreased to 4.3, the same as in Air Realistic Battles with the implementation of the planned BR changes. The change was not reflected in the final table by mistake.
Those are quite a few of (Mistakes)
But got that these got (corrected) ))))
So in GRB Lahatut with 4x 3.7km (practically even shorter range) ATGMs is higher BR than Mi-24A with 4x 4km ATGM, 128x rockets, 12.7mm machine gun, rocket CCIP, higher max speed - was not a mistake!
lovely! now what about all the vautours with no air spawn,
no proper counter measures,
no maneuverability,
no real speed advantage for a 9.0 ,
and no real reason for them to be 9.0,
surely when you brought those down in BR in GRB you ALSO meant to bring them down in BR in ARB, right? surely you meant to put the gunless pure bomber and missiless vautour to 8.3, and the ones with missiles to 8.7(to start) so that they dont have to see things like J35Ds, French crusaders, and Mitsubishi F-1s in a full uptier which they stand no real chance against, especially when they already get clobbered against just about every 9.3, 9.0, and even some 8.7 aircraft that decides they want an easy meal!
the interceptor vautour is fine where it is for the most part, it does not carry bombs and the radar missiles its known for are USUALLY not effective against anything smaller than a Il-28
the ones that carry both bombs AND missiles should be 8.7, that way they dont have an absolute advantage over the other vautours in terms of reason to play
put the gunless vautour with the bomb sight ,and vautour with guns and bombs but no missiles or bomb sight to 8.3, but have it keep the AF spawn, that way they can be fast bombers/ground attackers, but not put other bombers like the canberras and Il-28/Tu-14 at a significant disadvantage when it comes to racing for bases.
doing this gives players a reason to use them; the pure interceptor, the the one that has a bombsight, and the one that trades the bombsight for guns, can each have their own niche at 8.3!
want to go for pure air to air? use the interceptor!
want to level bomb and run away? the bomb sight lets you do that!
want to do a base bomb and then hit other targets with guns? trade the bomb sight for guns!
none of these would be seen as being “better” than the other 8.3 vautours as they each have there own roughly equal advantages and disadvantages!
if you put the rest which have both capability for air to ground and air to air at 8.7, as you now have the potential to hit bases and then use missiles to go after aircraft, so there by having it at 8.7 as opposed to 8.3, you have higher risk for higher reward,
now every vautour has a reason to be played, and its no longer the case that the bombsight vautour and vautour that trades the bombsight for guns is just THE WORST option being the same BR as the other vautours which themselves are already food for the enemies
Although thou are correct, when you are touched by a .22LR your helicopter becomes useless, when you fly something 2x smaller your far more likely to dodge incoming munitions and the like.
Therefore being smaller and easier to maneuver usually lends to you living.
But helis are generally bad anyways, I have a compilation that I could show you of why size matters.
In my UH-1Cxm, I am able to dodge far more things that of the mi-24s
Dude u only need 1 bullet to be disabled
Meanwhile ka50 and 52 can keep shooting while having no tail and on fire
Its like they dont have avionics damage at all
Trust me they do, I’ve flown them enough post the nerf to know that they do.
I got hit by a mirage’s cannons, 1-2 rounds hit the belly of the aircraft, setting a fuel tank on fire and disabling all my weapons, but I could tell he was coming him and blasted him with 30mm APDS, because if I hadn’t and just dodged, I would’ve died since my weapons would’ve been offline.