Update (Battle Ratings)

That makes me so mad. its literally the same as the Buc S2B but they still cant be bothered to C&P it over


So frustrating, the F4F ICE moved to 13.0 in both RB and SB.

Tornado F3 Late several months later finally moves down with it to 13.0… BUT only in RB. Not in SB. The devs really hate Britain. So it is still totally and completely unplayable in SB and then on top of that, they forgot SB exists so still no new brackets


You dont know what you’re talking about. The a-10c in sim has MAW (you cannot sneak up on them with missiles) cockpit IFF (they see every ally in a green circle on their HUD, so every dot that doesnt have a circle around is 100% an enemy) they have RWR with detailed info (so if you have your radar on they know what you are, where you’re coming from and how far away you are) and they have aim9m that in sim are completely invisible because there are no markers. You probably dont play sim, otherwise you would know that the a10-c is the perfect death machine.

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You forgot to lower the Seafires br…

What? Obviously the Tornado deserves to be higher than the ICE because uuhhhh… It’s faster. Yeah that.

I have played SIm and i can say that the MAW is really only effective against IR missiles. against Radar missiles its no more effective than someone spamming countermeasures when they recieve fire warning. You are also convenently forgeting you cant flare guns. The RWR for the A-10C isnt even really all to detailed and doesnt give an accurate measure of distance and bearing of the enemy. The HMD with IFF isnt more effective than radars with IFF, infact its a bit worse because it doesnt work when looking forwards since for reasons its turned off when looking forward at the gunsight. The 9M fired from the Hog is heavily limited purely because the A-10 is an extremely slow aircraft so its plenty easy to avoid it by just shooting past the A-10 with 90% of aircraft in the bracket. And you know what? You can also easily spam flares after shooting past to disrupt the A-10’s ability to lock or successfully flare a fired missile

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I looked at your stat and you have only played a few planes in sim, mostly on the US side. Go play 11.7 on the red team to allow yourself to see the complete picture. What you say you could do vs the A-10 are either things that are very hard (for example gunning it down, considering that the a-10 knows you’re close from its rwr, so they will look around from you and possibly smite you down with aim9m before you even get close, and you cannot do anything about it because it’s invisible and gives no warning) downright impossible (using any IR missiles) and incredibly unlikely, like for example getting a radar missile kill on a-10 that is usually low enough to just mulitpath the missile, and slow enough to have all the time he needs to notch it, but honestly most of the time a-10 players just multipath because that’s the easiest option, some of them dont even do that conscioulsy, it’s just that it’s very easy to do that with a low speed plane. Also, radars and radar missiles at that br are absolutely not consistent enough to find targets flying low.

I wont insist trying to change your mind, the only thing I would tell you is to play 11.7 on the opposite team, do some games, and see for yourself how much stronger the a-10c actually is. You miss the perspective of the other side

where is the f-16 a ocu’s HMD? I still can’t see it when I tested using test flight.

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Its for some reason only for IR missiles but not radar HMD

I have played on opposite side of A-10C’s with the Japanese Phantom. Quite literally easiest plane in the world to dictate the engagement around because the A-10 is so slow.

Then its the same as the F-16AM

Wtf, I thought they got Radar HMD too, so only IR HMS?


I still don’t get why the Gaijin team refuse to give a buff to a terrible vehicle. It’s so bad hardly anyone even plays it. Yes I’m talking about the Aubl-74 HVG.

It was favorited a decent but for it to get a reload buff, but nothing has come of it…


Ah yes the plane with 168 deaths and 24 kills? The one that presumably you only use for bombing runs? Come on…dont pretend. Be honest. Also, playing other nations can be legitimately fun and you’re missing out on that.

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Hmm. You could put run me sure. But other wise, the A-10C is better in every capacity

Yet still no BR change for the 2S6M Tunguska that is still 10.7. Sad Hero noises

And where would you place it?

F5C, F5E, J7D, MiG-23, F104, MiG-21, Mirage F1C, JA37D—they bomb the base and then die? Especially the F4S… This jet has good radar and missiles, yet it just bombs the base and dies without even using them. So, what is an attacker jet supposed to do? Dogfight with enemy fighters?

If Gaijin doesn’t want to change the battle rating for many attackers, please adjust the base respawn time to 10 or 20 seconds. That would be enough. No one will team kill, no one will fight over the base. A win-win solution for everyone.

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I have no problems in my av 8s might be a you issue

Preferably 11.0-11.3 you know where it should be. It being able to downtiered to 9.7 is just criminal. Russia got the a another radar spaa for 10.3 but the 2S6M still stayed in the same BR. If it reverted it back to before the stealth buff I’d understand it being 10.7, but its more than a year since they rebuffed it making its missiles back to 32 g’s of pull. And if your wondering what when it was lower was when they reworked the SACLOS missiles.