Absolutely criminal to ignore so many extremely popular, well-reasoned suggestions that had tons of upvotes, particularly:
Raising A-4N Ayit to 9.7-10.0 range
Downtiering R2Y2s to 7.3-7.7 range
Absolutely criminal to ignore so many extremely popular, well-reasoned suggestions that had tons of upvotes, particularly:
Raising A-4N Ayit to 9.7-10.0 range
Downtiering R2Y2s to 7.3-7.7 range
Biggest joke is MiG-15bis ISh has same BR with R2Y2.
BR´s are bad, but i dont think it should go lower, All Aspect missiles with 45G´s (supposedly) of turn should not face flareless planes
This BR change is what a certain guy in a white T-shirt would call a big ol’ nothingburger
Overwhelming feedback, mininal changes.
I’d like an official response post, even though I’m fairly certain it would mostly come down to the “statistics” card
Congratulations you have discovered compression a long standing issue that has been plaguing this game for as long as we have had a top tier. F-14 IRAF has just gone from one of the most notorious beneficiaries of this phenomenon to a victim of it, but even then I’d still much rather be stuck in an F-14 IRAF against 14.0s then stuck in any 11.7 aircraft against the F-14 IRAF. “It would suffer in an uptier so it’s fine for it to slaughter in a downtier” is a terrible mindset to have balance wise and is why we already have absolute nonsense like the F-104 which is completely untouchable even by the missiles it sees in downtier at 9.3, the MiG-15bis ISH a negligibly different version of the MiG-15bis which was already strong at 8.7 but now at 8.0, the F-5C staying at 10.3 for years where it completely abused everything below kt, the Wyvern one of the fastest props in the game and given an air spawn at just 4.3, the BI which needs no explanation, etc. etc.
Fakour-90 and Sedjeel are both sufficient to keep it competitive at 13.0, or at least as competitive as any other airframe stuck there. It was too strong for 12.7, and a “compensation buff” with R-73 is a paradoxical decision (if it’s too strong for 12.7 with current kit then it does not need better kit for 13.0) and is how you get “compensatory” ASRAAM and IRIS-T at 14.3 when the Typhoons are, hopefully, decompressed at some point.
Why was the 342M Gazelle moved to 9.7? To the same BR as the AH-1S and Mi-24s.
It literally just has 4 HOT-2 missiles. That’s the same loadout as one reload of the MEPHISTO at 8.7
At least the Su-25SM3 is at a usable br in Sim now.
But what about the Aubl 74 HVG getting a reload buff??
People agree it needs to happen
Mig-15Bis is 8.3 currently.
If it had a thermal, sure. It could be 10.7
Great job Gaijin, we all definitely hate decompression.
Thank you for recompressing the 10.0 area and compressing other areas even further.
I mean MiG-15bis ISh, which is 8.0.
Which has a higher drag and mass.
Either way we know they’re under-BR’d.
It’s proven they hate Italy. They won’t buff the 60mm HVG although the 120mm cannons of the modern tanks reload at a rate of 5.0 secs, meanwhile being half the size, the HVG reloads at 6.0 secs.
Pylon drag isn’t modeled even on the bis ISH iirc. It’s just more weight and it’s so negligible even fuel quantity matters more. The bis ISH being lower than the base variant is one of the very few unquestionable examples of a premium being pay to win.
They aren’t, at all. The Sejeel shouldn’t even be in the discussion. It won’t track 70% of the time you shoot it and can’t maneuver as well as the 27R1. The Fakour doesn’t work against the targets it faces. The Fakour isn’t good against hyperaware, super-maneuverable targets. It’s good for sniping bombers and drones. That’s it.
It wasn’t too strong for 12.7. If I’m being honest, 12.7 was way more balanced than 13.0. 13.0 is simply overkill and a gross uptiering of an Early F-14A into modern ARH combat with virtually nothing to help it. The R-73 wouldn’t warrant any higher BR, and also wouldn’t help with the 13.0 placement. It’s simply too high for an F-14A, and nothing you can say can invalidate that.
Too stronk…CBA to mask properly, CBA to defend properly, must ACE COMBAT.
That’s why the change.
They could give it Fatter. They didn’t . Yet with no all-aspect (not speaking IRCCM) it’s 13.0. Can’t even carry 6 ARH which the plane in reality could , let’s say it was for balancing in 12.7… now it’s 13.0.
Want more that they could do? Supposedly Iran upgraded the radar. Where is that? I mean F90 has “press release stats” no one knows its actual stats , so they could do things and take it to 13.0 . That thing now…is not 13.0 .
And my biggest question about the change has to do with 3 things.
I don’t know what they balance. If you want to balance decompress -fullstop
Anything else you do GJ, is 50iq primeape decisions. Man up and decompress.
Meanwhile 14.0 game , last game, it’s still what happened in the games before the BR change. But it’s more prestigious to see people in EF2K and Rafales do the same crap , people did before the BR change and cried about F-14 being OP. So what’s next? F-14 IRIAF 13.7 because people still make the same mistakes?
war is peace
freedom is slavery
recompression is decompression :)
Just when I think gaijin couldn’t possibly be any more ignorant, they always find a way to prove me wrong.
My guy, the F14 IRAF was dominating too much in a down tier. 11.7s should never have to see it.
Instead of trying to convince people that your OP aircraft is fine at its OP spot, advocate for the raising of the BR ceiling so it doesnt see the Eurofighter, F15E, ect.
Plus at 12.7 it never saw a full up tier becuase there really is no shich thing as a 13.7 or 13.3 game in the current matchmaker. They’re all uptiered to 14 anyway so you’d mostly see down tiers to 11.7-13.0 games anyway.