Agreed, it’s a toxic plane that’s easy to abuse, I’m happy to see it go up
Gaijin at least give us more BRs for Ground. I think 12.7 max would be a great start.
as someone with 239 battles in the IRIAF. i never rtb after firing the fakours. i keep fighting until i run out of R-27s and AIM-9Ps and also dogfight with the M61 vulcan if i get the opportunity.
Decompression for the top tier MBTs is a DESPERATELY required change, the top tier Meta is stale and some tanks need shifting about
Wont help, they’ll just end up moving everything at 11.7 to 12.3 and everything at 12.0 to 12.7 and call it “decompression” without actually decompressing anything
They ignore over 2.9k feedback
whats the point of feedback man
It’s also dumb that we have to basically do all the work for them. Why do we have to become part time developers just to get a simple change through?
This too, they arent decompressing individually, just blanket moving tanks up, very obvious when looking at the jump between leopard 2a4 and 2a5, which used to be .7 brs apart at one point
Yet another disappointing BR change…basically nothing for naval!
Atlanta finally going up a notch is only really useful change. How about deompress a bit, to give 6.0 cruisers at least some breathing space?
I just spaded Poltava, it has no trouble punching above its BR, so I dont really see the point in it going to 6.3 tbh.
And Sidam/Sidam Mistral…jeez, that they haven’t been moved down ages ago!
Doing that would help vehicles below to have more room.
… Still no Ariete/F8U/F8E/Saggitario BR changes for sim.
They only have ~500 devs(500 devs for the entire department)
Atleast thats what i found
Not if they moved up to an equal position as before.
It may decompress something somewhere eventually. But the likelyhood it will decompress top tier is highly remote
good to see the f4 have same br with f16 and f20 lol
Adding more BRs will surely decompress something, unless you want to move Reserve/1.0 tanks to 1.7 for some reason.
I wouldn’t mind them decompressing ~8.0 either as that area needs some help.
Why gaijin hates the TU-4
lol, lmao even
This happens because more newbs/casuals play USA air and more chads play France air. You can see the same thing all over the game.
Whatever metrics they use for determining BR (I’m pretty sure it is higher dimensional math that gives them whatever results they WANT to have) it clearly punishes nations that have a more seasoned player base. Nations like France and Italy, in particular, get absolutely punished for having a dedicated and talented player base. Nations like Germany in ground and USA in air (and Russia basically everywhere) get super favorable BR’s for their vehicles because the people who play them couldn’t “Fight their way out of a piss-soaked paper bag” as Patton would say.
Naval is even worse, with tons of legacy BR’s for USA and Russia ships based on the fact that they were bot farms for years.
It’s clear that Gaijin cares more about brining in new players than they are at keeping players long term.
They need to give us a clear idea of how they do BR balancing, as you said the Main 3 nations are generally new players first nations, so they have worse stats and for some reason ;) have the best vehicles on avrage.
The Namer going up without getting more missiles or anything to support itself is a crime.