

  • J-10A — a bug that caused dropped LS-6 250 and LS-6 500 guided bombs to not level horizontally but instead always fly in the same position in which they were dropped when the aircraft rolled has been fixed.

Naval Vessels

  • A bug where the torpedo aiming marker would disappear after each launch despite the presence of torpedoes in the tube has been fixed.
  • The circular indicator showing the direction of attack on the player has been disabled for friendly fire.


  • An error in the text in the “Guided bomb with thermal imaging seeker” tutorial mission has been fixed. (Report).
  • Target markers have been added to AGM and Guided bomb tutorial missions.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


A bug that caused the shaped-charge jet stream to be missing from shells that exploded from an APS has been fixed.

I thought the whole idea of an active protection system is to destroy the munition in flight and it’s ability to effectively create a molten jet stream as efficiently…


Remove from the list:

· A bug that caused the shaped-charge jet stream to be missing from shells that exploded from an APS has been fixed.


can you check this issue?

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The pack puma driver bug is still ingame. Fix it!

Im curious, why was that removed from the list?

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See above

Earlier i noticed that APS only partially defeats tandem charged warheads. I think it was because it was coded to only affect one warhead. Do you know if that is still the case?

Will missing RP for module / vehicle researched during ongoing battle be finally fixed?

Hi. After this update I don’t see the challenges of the battle pass.

Still no fixes for the Strv 103 gun depression or anything for the KV-1A?

Nothing chaged with the battle pass with this update?

? Whats wrong?

With which one?



All TT strv 103’s

They haven’t even acknowledged the finnish T34s being the heaviest T34 due to gaijin copy pasting the weight from the add on armor while they dont have that mod or tracks on the hull to act as armor so again just another minor debuff. Regardless as it hasnt been acknowledged i didn’t mention it unlike these which have been known.

Im focusing on what is currently acknowledged but if i had to list everything wrong with the majority of finnish vehicles id need an entire spread sheet to show how long theyve been ignored.

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Has crew healing been removed? Or am i just not seeing it for some reason?

Still hasnt been fixed its been over a month now

I haven’t seen it working either