
Ground Vehicles

  • A bug that sometimes caused the binoculars to face East on first use regardless of the third person view direction has been fixed. (Report).
  • M1128 Wolfpack — the ability to control the hydropneumatic suspension has been added. (Report).
  • ZTZ99A — a bug that caused the equivalent protection of lower corners of the upper front plate to be lower than it should have been has been fixed. (Report).
  • CTWV RCV — area coverage of the the spall liner has been corrected, the spall liner has been divided into more sections.
  • CTWV RCV — a bug that sometimes caused the telescopic part of the commander optics mast to disappear has been fixed.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


Love to see it


anything regarding (aphe) shells that just don’t do any form of damage on moving parts/modules like hitting the gun barrel and having a “hit” while you just sent a 100mm+ round on a light tank?

I wish I could read this more often regarding more tanks…

-SEP and SEPv2’s turret sides.
-All Abrams tanks’ turret rings.
-Leclerc’s UFP being weaker than T-64A’s (one of present day’s state of the art MBTs on the present day having no more effectiveness than the very first tank with composite armor ever put in service in the 60s, makes sense).
-Type 10’s inner turret cheek armor holes (cheeks are suppossed to withstand Type 10 yet the majority of them can’t even withstand 3BM42).
-Merkava Mk.4’s whole existence being unable to stop even 3BM42.
-Namer- same; somehow weighting the same as Merkava Mk.4 being the heaviest IFV in service, while supposedly having paper armor as well and while lacking a 27 ton turret.
-2021 Leopard 2A7s having worse armor than 2001 Strv 122 and barely equivalent to a 1990s pre-2A5 prototype.
-Type 90’s turret cheeks being modelled after an early prototype even though such modelling contradicts the very weld lines on the tank and even though primary sources specify that “turret modules are asymmetrical”, with the right cheek (largest one) being 10% heavier, yet ingame they are both symmetrical (this was actually fixed for a few months back in 2020, but it was then reverted for some reason).
-Challenger 3 (TD)'s whole turret damage model being a pre-rework Challenger 2’s (not even a reworked Challenger 2’s) even though a CR3(TD) turret damage model was created and implemented in the past (again, reverted for some reason).
-Challenger 2s still missing the lower front plate spall liners.
-Challenger 2 mantlets still providing comically low levels of protection despite their clear thickness (even though they were again largely modelled as hollow).

And a long etc…

Not to mention non-armor related issues, such as:

-Type 10’s broken steering (press A/D for 1 second, and the tank comes to a full stop to abruptly do a 270º turn).
-Type 10’s severely underperforming acceleration.
-Leclerc’s underperforming acceleration.
-Challenger 3 (TD)'s engine power being 1200 instead of 1217 like every other Challenger with the exact same engine because the devs didn’t convert BHP to HP (took them 5 days to nerf it from 1,500 to 1,200, but it’s been months and they haven’t been able to correct it from 1,200 to 1,217).

There are so many enormous issues with modern MBTs that every time there’s a patch I look into the notes hopeful that I will find some fixes, only to be disappointed over and over again.


That’s probably due to server delay, they can’t really do anything about that.

Still not fixed

frequent crashes after update // Gaijin.net // Issues
Turret auto centering in VR error // Gaijin.net // Issues
VR Tank Aiming is Broken // Gaijin.net // Issues


The equivalent protection is even lower. Before the update, the equivalent protection was about 750~800mm. Now it is less than 700mm.

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To be honest, the list of problems with modern armour is so long.

At this point I hope the devs would just dedicate a whole major update to this topic, call it “The return of the Armour” or something.


Hahahl yeah.

For some reason, it’s as if they were SO afraid of properly armored MBTs in Top Tier…

Unless it’s Sweden, Russia or China, for some reason.

Why can’t everyone have equally well protected MBTs? With no nerfs, with no bugs… just actually equivalent counterparts?

Leclerc must have a T-64A-level armor to “be balanced” because being able to withstand 3BM42 “would make it OP”, but then Sweden can have THREE Strv 122s which are nearly immune frontally?


How many mistakes in words Germany and Italy.

Germany and Italy only have one single 122 equivalent (of which Sweden has 3), and even then, their armor is still nerfed all around and their mobility is as well (in real life they sacrifice top speed for acceleration, but in War Thunder they just have lower top speed and worse acceleration).

Guys, please focus on specifc line from this update.
If you want to discuss armour, please jump to the Machinery of War section. Such offtopic is not helping anyone. Thanks.


There are indeed many topics on the Machinery of War section, as well as the Issues/Bug Reporting Platform and many other threads and topics across multiple sections both these Forums and the Old Forums alike; however, it appears it all falls on deaf ears when, after so many months and even years, many of the issues still remain unaddressed and unfixed; specially when it comes to 100% verified, confirmed and acknowledged issues that, despite all of that, still remain unfixed.

That’s why sometimes we can’t help but to get carried away and expand these topics to other threads in vain attempts at drawing some sort of attention towards these enormous issues, so my bad there.

Since you commanded it, I won’t try to push further unrelated issues discussion on this thread. o7


Nice to see Wolfpack getting hydropneumatic suspension


abrams fix when


Germany, Italy and Sweden have strongers mbt, while soviet tanks are ones of the worst.

Since today, I can’t see planes at the distance anymore or at least it is very hard, compared to yesterday. I had the same issue, last week with the major update. But it seemed to be fixed the days after. Now however, it is back again. Game looks darker than usual and when playing ground rb I have a hard time seing planes at distances 2km+

Awesome, really love to see is!

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We can finally have some gun depression haha

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Text updated:

  • ZTZ99A — a bug that caused the equivalent protection of lower corners of the upper front plate to be lower than it should have been has been fixed. (Report).
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