
After reading your comments there might have been a misunderstanding regarding the fix?
The fix was that there IS a restriction on what characters can be used. Not that the issue of saving with certain characters has been fixed. Don’t know if this helps.

Have you tried a “verify and repair” on the game (some folders/files might have been created in an old patch that are now in the way perhaps)?

What kinds of text have you tried putting into the naming field?

(i’m also a bit confused by the video as the text “teleports” in?)


(Now let us fire AAMs without lock too)

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Not possible on console and everyone ive spoken to who’s also on console has the exact same issue nobody has been able to to make presets

Consoles have a seperate virtual keyboard that shows up it doesn’t appear in recordings, im 90% sure the issue is that the button used to enter a name for some reason instantly closes the save preset box as gaijin seems to have set it to X and not the three lines button


Thanks for the explanation!

@Gunjob Could you take a look at this?

(Community Bug Reporting System)


Any update/confirmation on this bug?


It seems unique to like, trenches and nowhere else.

It’s still there!
E.g. Bf 109 G-6. You implemented Flam C 250 a while ago, I didn’t flew it since. First flight there was a message about new weaponary and now after every battle the modification window pops up.

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Please send my biggest thanks to the dev, this is a HUGE change, as being able to slave the Radar and use TWS with datalink is a MASSIVE change. You just changed the worst F-15C into an actually useable and competitive F-15C! Thank you gaijin! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

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You can slave radar to HMD on the US one right?

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Yep, the US and Japanese F-15C both get a Radar HMD mode with 19km of lock range, which is so much better to use than ACM mode. And not the Max Meshupar can too!!! Yippeee :D


I also have this issue so yea it affects all console players I think

Actually while you’re here could i ask someone to take another look at these bug reports that i had made about the MAWS system being set off by flares and chaff since the replies i had recieved just seem nonsensical as hellsangel is claiming a flare can be considered a missile by the MAWS which by his own logic should mean aircraft engines should set off MAWS and your own aircrafts flares should set off MAWS
The specific MAWS in the mirage 2000 the DDM-NG has an imaging system similar to very late IRCCM missiles like Aim-9X so i dont understand why it has a 100% failure rate at identifying between flares and missiles ingame as clearly an Aim-9X imaging seeker shouldn’t fail 100% of the time

I see your point, but i also agree with the tech mod.
The early versions of MAWS had a high false alarm rate (which, yes, was triggered by among other things; flares) so i assume that they are using early MAWS until acceptable sources are provided to show upgrades/less failure rates/etc have been made to each specific plane.

It is sadly not enough with just logic.

Yeah i dont mind very early MAWS systems having high failure rates but the later ones like DDM-NG that use essentially imaging seekers shouldn’t be giving a warning about a subsonic flare 7km away at least not 100% of the time

true, but sadly, again, they need acceptable sources for that, even if you are correct about it.

Hello to all) to all ) Related : Custom Sights ) I’ve already created it probably 5 times)

  1. the developers have not responded
  2. moderators just ignore it)

what is the problem? And what is the question?

the problem is that I’ve been playing with my costume scope for over 2 years now)

my sights cannot be created in the game settings.

my custom sights are without a grid .

It is not possible to create a sight in the game without a grid.

1)will you return the selection? for the players? What would they choose for themselves? who wants to let them make a custom one for themselves and who needs to can choose from ready-made ones already in the game?

  1. I can’t create my own scope… and I can’t upload the file… because the game automatically adds a grid to my sight…

I used to just play with the dot… and it was very convenient…

or give the choice to remove the grid and make yourself a sight as the player wants?

photo of my sight at the bottom ) you will not be able to create it or upload it as a file… It’s just not possible.

I ask you to respond adequately to my post, because I just can’t play anymore ( any sight with a grid ) , which greatly distracts me .

Yeah its a shame that there’s not much publicly available info on most MAWS

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What do you mean by “grid” ?

in the meantime (until it’s fixed) you could try the “China type ring” or “Leclerc thermal” reticles as they are kind of minimalistic in comparison to many of the others.

net. This is a grid for the entire screen or half the screen) in any case I don’t need them) I just made my sights like cs go 2) look at the photo))) you won’t be able to make a sight like the one in the photo anymore… but why ? why break everything?) why not just have the right to choose the player?

You can get very close to that sight using the “Leclerc Thermal” reticle and removing all the other elements. At least until the custom sights are fixed.

Like this:

shot 2024.09.20 21.48.562

yes thank you. But still this is not my scope) and there are a lot of differences)

  1. will this still be fixed?

  2. will it be possible to at least create our own sight? inside the game?

  3. if not? then you can’t leave everything as it was? who wants to let him choose the sight in the game? and whoever doesn’t like it can make it themselves and add it through a folder?

but why do you need to break everything? and why is it never in favor of the player?) but to the detriment?