well, no shiet. low tier base has lower HP than top tier.
people here is talking about top tier
bases needed 4 C250 before to get destroyed, so i guess its the same comparison here
Apparently they also added a fifth base HP bracket above 5.0, that’s not mentioned above.
Before 288C (BR 6.0) targets and high tier base bomber targets would have been the same HP, now they’re not. Affects all matches with a BR 8.0 or higher.
Ignore him, you can not say anything with some one who never fly it
it can carry 6 air to air missiles, its a premium.
why did you use a fighter as a bomber, at that point use the AJ35 instead.
because that can carry retarded bombs, which can destroy your bases for that free SL and RP you so need
Consider using the large number of 7Fs and 9Js you get on that plane!
does this affect airfields in air simulator battles aswell?
Could always get the A32A the jet that performed so bad gaijin actually looked at it and saw that it didn’t belong at 9.3 and moved it to a br where its still mid lmao. Seriously cant believe people bought that thing lmao
What you just said proves that you haven’t read anything I said
Bases have armour!?
Also, this was actually good changes for SBEC because SA servers had people spamming rocket spam and pharming under the guise of “PvE games”.
One of big steps for punishing Chinese farmers in SBEC.
Well,this is result of single Flamm C500
And this is what two did
You guys are just looking for a reason to reduce the benefits of players destroying bases. This change was made so quickly, much faster than the R&D point bonus promised one year before. You said you would talk to players about battle rates for bombers & attackers and base gains, but you implemented the program without doing so.
Don’t understand the load out thing doas it mean a single 250kg bomb gets the same reward has the entire f111 load Worth of bomb’s
What was the BR of the match? They don’t mention it, but the 5.0+ base HP bracket got split into 5.0-7.7 and 8.0+. That could mean bases at 8.0 and above have significantly more HP now.
yeah i am trying to figure this out, it seems that the C250 and C500 deal the same amount of damage
Considering there were P-51H and Re.2005 then 6.3+
So most likely the increased base HP is cancelling out the napalm DoT at BRs above 8.0.
That’s why also people are saying there’s changes to rocket damage at high tier even for rockets >25mm pen. Just a fairly significant change they left out of the changelog.
Also bases cant have more HP 8.0+ cause it still needs 7x 750lb with F-4S to destroy a base. And F-16C still needs 4x napalm bombs to kill entire base.