
But they’re (AMRAAM) still just as good

AMRAAM just got worse in this patch, couldn’t hit a F-15 in a head on from 13-ish Km

Finally the aim120A is performing accordantly, is was having the performance of an aim120C5 from DCS, now is more realistic. I guess now Gaijin will need to introduce the aim120C5 in able to please US players… Oh! is already on the files. You shouldn’t wait too much then.

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Maybe yes, maybe not


Do you have a Screenshot?

Do you know if there’s any plans to model dual plane? It would probs be difficult and that’s why it’s not already in game.

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Welcome to the R77 user experience at 7km.

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now they need to make the AAM 4 less draggy to make it equivalent to C-5

No. But you can try to find it via thread and 2 plane/smth like that text.

Amraam one of best missiles by range, still.

It was on DEV server. 2.36
On the release version before the patch, the missile did not lose speed when maneuvering.

Now it’s broken again

Just glad they might have made the R77 somewhat worth trying to use.

Can you show documents to support the additional mounts? All gripens should have the ability but iirc that is exclusive to the gripen E. The C is missing the belly mounted smart bomb pylon

Pulls way better now, range also better than was.
But best BVR missiles is Amraam, AAM4, PL12
R-77 still smth between MICA and Amraam

Realized that the ones I have is still marked restricted even though they are now public info to South Africa. Not gonna be the one to “leak” even though it is no longer a leak.

That said, now that they are unrestricted I will make mission to archive and pull the data + other stats.

We have also retired the DARTER in place for the IRIS-T so the DARTER is now public info ( we selling of the stock to other countries like Brazil).

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It was fun while it lasted folks, some dev got tilted while groundpounding in its Su-25SM3 because it got shot down by a 120 with a poor launch profile and decided to push a nerf to kill it at short ranges, not to mention there’s already videos of 120s failing to connect because of the missing AOA, and therefore, capable overload.


Actually nuts how little pull the AMRAAM has now.

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ngl this is AIM-7M vibes all over again being evaded by just rolling and yawing, i’ll just jump to another tree.
This Gaijin’s fetish of playing dirty to blufor with missile stats is disgusting.


A subsonic Fulcrum was out pulling my missile at 2000m today from 5km.