

  • A bug that caused the camera in “Optical seeker view” to not be pointed towards an active target in Simulator Battles has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug where activating mouse look caused the helmet-mounted sight to not work when in third-person view has been fixed. (Report).

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug that caused the control of ground vehicles to be partially blocked after an air streak, for example the turret was unable to rotate, and menus would not open if the weapon selector was active at the time of the aircraft’s destruction has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug that caused barrel smoke (such as the IS-2 (1944)) not deploying smoke properly after being dropped has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug that made it possible to use thermal imagers in third-person view after leaving the gunner’s sight has been fixed. (Report).

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


I hope this also fixes the Maverick seekers squinting always to the side if you don’t have a POI marked in Sim. This has ben an issue since a few weeks now…


Is this also fixed?

The same bug with blocked turret rotation, but only after first spawn on certain vehicles.

Using planes with mavs and no TGP was so annoying, hopefully it’s actually fixed

Is the type 93 going to be fixed soon? I made a report right after Seek and Destroy came out for the chassis being tilted back and the front tires being off the ground. It was acknowledged a month ago.


Yes!! Thank you so much for fixing that!! I was tired of not being able to use smokes in my T-44

When are you going to fix the BR cap of 12.7 on Arcade Air Assault?


In regards to the Updates and Events, Has there been any Acknowledgement in regards to TV Bombs/TV Missiles not working at Night Ground Battles? There are stock IR and Night Vision optics already in the Bombing Sights. Does Night Vision not allow the capability to see and lock enemies in the night including locking TV items? Do countries not use smart bombs in the night anymore in 2024? When will this be addressed as I must say, as an AVID CAS Ground player, I’ve removed the Night option until this TV issue gets resolved. Thanks. :) Love the game… I think I counted and have only spent $6k in this game in the past 2 years… :)(:

@Stona_WT is the mirage 2000 5F flare count going to be fixed next update it only has 112 flares and chaff when its supposed to have 112 chaffs and 94 flares which amounts to 206 countermeasures
the bug report has been acknowledged but not fixed and its been sitting there open for 8 months
Would be nice to get a feedback on that

TV guided munitions do not work at night. They lack the contrast needed to lock and guide without enough ambient light. That is why IR, Laser and GPS guidance systems exist. TV/EO systems are outdated for a reason

Are the Flares not enough? It would be interesting if Gaijin were to implement a feature to use them within the Flare light and also allow the flares to be random and even change sides of the map. Either Way, I’m using TV bombs on the A4 Retired by Israel in 2015 while TV bombs were used as late as 1991 and that’s just what’s documented. I guess, Once I get tired of Israeli Guided CAS at 10.0 I’ll switch back on Night Battles.

Frankly, their shouldnt even be flares now that night battles are entirely optional

Cool. That still doesn’t mean TV/EO weapons somehow gained an “all-weather” or “night” operations capability without some sort of addtional guidance mode such as INS or GPS.

fixed probably next major update

Can we get a fix to USS Gearing’s bugged rear Oerlikons? They always fire opposite the direction they’re supposed to.