- Tornado ADV — a bug that caused the BOL-304 countermeasure dispensers to remain on the pylons has been fixed. (Report).
- PARS 3 LR — missile mass has been reduced from 49 kg to 41 kg. (Report).
- PARS 3 LR — maximum available overload has been increased from 8 g to 10 g. (Report).
- Fakour-90, Yasser, Sedjil — fuel mass has been increased from 285 to 295 kg. (Report).
- Damage from incendiary bombs to bases has been increased.
- Damage from 100 kg and 250 lb incendiary bombs has been increased to 36% of base durability in top-tier battles.
- Damage from 250 kg and 500 lb incendiary bombs has been increased to 42% of base durability in top-tier battles.
- Damage from 500 kg and 750-1000 lb incendiary bombs has been increased to 50% of base durability in top-tier battles.
- For incendiary bombs, the ratio of damage dealt immediately on impact to the damage dealt over time has been changed. The portion of immediate damage on impact has been increased.
Ground Vehicles
- A bug that sometimes caused shells to not switch when the ATGM was loaded into the gun has been fixed. (Report).
- Chi-Nu — the sight magnification has been changed from the default values (1.9x-3.5x) to a fixed 4x. (Report).
- Alecto I — the sight magnification has been changed from the default values (1.9x-3.5x) to a fixed 4x. (Report).
- TOG II — a bug where the radio operator was responsible for firing the twin machine gun instead of the gunner has been fixed. (Report).
- ZSU-57-2 — a bug where it was possible to fire from one of the barrels even if the gunner lost consciousness has been fixed. (Report).
- Churchill Crocodie — the thickness of the armor of the trailer with fuel tanks has been changed. The thickness of the side armor and the bottom has been increased from 12 to 14 mm, the thickness of the roof has been reduced from 12 to 8 mm. (Report).
- Object 122MT “MC” — a bug that caused the ATGM launcher rigidly attached to the gun to not be stabilized has been fixed. (Report).
- LAV-AD, Magach Hydra — reload time of the rockets after replenishment at a catpure point has been reduced from 30 to 2.5s.
- KV-2 (1940) — a bug with the lack of fire or detonation when some shells and charges in the ammunition load were hit has been fixed.
Controls (PlayStation and Xbox only)
- A bug where air target tracking did not work while in a ground vehicle has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug where the brush cursor was missing when applying decals/decorations has been fixed.
- A drag-and-drop icon and a tooltip on hover have been added to the menu points of actions for vehicles and crews that can dragged and dropped in the hangar. This informs you what actions can also be perfomed by dragging and not just by clicking.
- A bug where the battle log window would also open when opening the visual weapon selector in the HUD has been fixed.
- The ability to hide the action bar collapse button has been added. It collapses when you hold down the action bar collapse key, which you can learn about from the new context hint.
- Ammunition used to destroy a target and the amount of mission points acquired for the action have been added to the reward tooltip of the battle results in the messages window.
- Values for the top crew for some parameters of a vehicle have been added to vehicle stat cards.
- Values for the top crew for some parameters of a vehicle have been added to the module tips in the vehicle X-ray.
- In the vehicle X-ray, in the tooltip for the FCS module, its influence on horizontal/vertical guidance and the ability to fire has been added, where applicable.
- A bug that caused the tooltip of the FCS module to sometimes contain duplicated notes on its influence on the stabilizer has been fixed.
- A bug where crews overlapped the country selection buttons has been fixed.
- A bug where placing vehicles into a crew caused crews without a vehicle to not have a crew slot number has been fixed.
- When opening multiple Travel Suitcases, the rewards are now sorted in order from least valuable to most valuable.
- When receiving a duplicate reward after opening the Travel Suitcase, the total amount of Silver Lions received and the crossed-out duplicate reward are now shown.
- The “Add to Wishlist” button has been added to the test flight window for unpurchased vehicles.
- The “Buy” button in the achievements window has been renamed to “Complete instantly”.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.