
Because they have to come into the battlefield to do that, and not stay several kilometers out with missiles faster than most SPAA missiles.

Any heli with unguided rockets can just be shot down by IFVs rather easily.

So does the apache, Starstreaks arent 20km range AGMs. They are beamriding AAMs with a range of about 5km. Ive been taken out by rocket pods that far away. Heck got 1 shotted by a KA-52s gun that far away before

been practicing with red tops after the nerf and I’m starting to get a hang of them. unfortunately unlike before the nerf where you could lock somewhat side on and almost guarantee a kill no matter what maneuver the target pulled, they tend to miss the majority of the time. and when they do hit whilst side aspect (center of mass btw) they deal literally zero damage. or at most a hit (checked replays and every “hit” was 1 panel being yellow or red if you’re extremely lucky). I’m loving the range on them now as I’ve gotten kills from 4km as opposed to the 0.80km max range before the “nerf” but killing supersonics such as f104s is near impossible. I used to somewhat target them as I find them annoying and unfair against subsonics in their current state, and redtops made quick work of them. but now out of the maybe 100 matches or so I’ve played I’ve killed ZERO f104s with them. every attempt at hitting one ends in it missing. and then the f104 just accelerates into mach 300 and is never seen again. quite annoying. I’m no expert but they 100% don’t feel like they’re pulling 12 gs. I’ve seen aim9bs pull harder than these. and the damage is now so inconsistent despite nothing having changed. its almost frustrating.

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If British stuff was remotely as unbalanced as people pretend, we’d actually have a good tree.

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Yeah… I cant wait for Brimstones.

But it seems so far that the missile can’t turn. 12G nerf is real.

It might lose less energy in a turn, but it turns worse.

Honestly, if a KA-50 kills you from 5km out with unguided rockets, that’s just skill. Because at that range they dont even get the aiming reticle from their targeting computer. That’s way more earned than high zoom thermal supported spotting and then just clicking on an enemy with automatic tracking.

Also the Starstreak’s range is 7km, that’s more than enough to stay outside any IFV’s effective range.

Just because your tree as a whole is sadly a bit weak doesn’t mean there can’t be outliers that are a problem. Notably only a few people even have the british apache, which is why it doesn’t feel like as much of a problem than a Ka-50 that people can just buy and buy a whole lineup for. But for the people getting killed by guided missiles in the first minute of the match it’s still incredibly frustrating.

We can still strive for balance without some stupid “well my mbt is bad so having an op heli is ok” argument

The heli is not overpowered. Star streaks do fuck all to tanks, of any description. Rockets are arguably more effective, so rocket helis should get an SP cost and AAM SP cost increase if you want to be remotely fair.

Because again, starstreaks do nothing to armoured vehicles.

Say that to someone getting killed in the first minute in a light tank.

Also for all i care, helis’ base SP could just be increased enough so you can NEVER first spawn them. Would be an even better change.

that’s not why they’re a problem and they don’t have to do that to be a problem, there are enough light vehicles in any given toptier game.

ah yes, nerf the unproblematic redtops for ‘realism’ reasons.
thats fine, but if its for realism, then make it realistic
the missle is an all-aspect missle, not a rear aspect like in game.
doesnt seem very realistic to me

the redtops really havent been nerfed buddy, theyve been changed. no longer do you have to fire only when side on and within 1.5km (which was nice but wasnt the most consitant). now its more of a 9b granted, but it still turns pretty well and it has alot more range. it isnt done yet as we still need to get it tweaked but it certainly is for the better.

The negatives are the fact that it doesnt respond instantly which should be changed, it needs its g limit buffed back to its correct 16g as the 12g was at alt. lastly the all aspect capability was nerfed with these changes for some reason, it needs this buffed so that it can frontally shoot after burning and super sonic jets frontally and non after burning jets from the side.