
The jet is good

Not in comparison to any other jet at 12.3, and regardless of this, it is still blatant how much Gaijin sucks up to Russians who can’t deal with any propaganda that isn’t their own.

it is though you acting like its flying like a f4 or something

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I am not, and why is the F4 relevant in this discussion?

The point is that after all these nerfs the Gripen is way worse than the SU-27, F-15 and F-16

Sweden has not had a good top tier jet since the JA 37 C that was added about 3 years ago

it isn’t though

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because your saying its isn’t 12.3 level so you saying its as good as 11.3 aka the f4

This is not the engine the JAS 39 A or JAS 39 C uses, both use an upgraded engine called the RM12 that among other minor upgrades has a bigger turbine fan.

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Acording to what exactly?

Better at low speeds, more controllable at high speeds.

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Just tested the gripen. Right now, the thrust actually got buffed! To all the people saying that Gaijin hates Sweden is false. The static thrust has been drastically increased to around the same thrust as the J35D’s engine. Its just that at higher speed, it now looses more thrust instead of gains, which does hurt top speed. However, it is strange that static thrust is increased despite saying it would be decreased. In my tests, the Gripen now actually turns better even before this “nerf.”

Same thing happened to things like the Zero, now they’re stupidly high BR for a plane that has the speed of a reserve plane.

I’ve been playing the game for coming up on 12 years and I have every tech tree in the game, further… I’m an American patriot. The bug report was well-sourced, and netted a massive buff for the Gripen which can now super-cruise in military thrust. Sit down.


For playing a military arcade/sim you seem to know very little about it. Who cares about top speed without the afterburner on a jet that has no fuel consumption issues? You have made 9 bug reports that either complain about the overperformance of the Gripen or just minor issues that don’t actually matter.

Are you going to bring any counter-argument to the fact that many of your sources (both regarding engine thrust and turn rates) don’t even mention the aircraft that is being discussed? Maybe explain why you use the F/A-18 engine, in an F/A-18 as your comparison to the Gripen; using a modified version with a different airframe (meaning different inlets, air ducts, and layout of the engine)?

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It does not matter who cares, what matters is that we provide as much data possible so that Gaijin can accurately model the aircraft’s FM.

Yes, the RM12 is an F404-GE-400 variant that sits somewhere in between the performance of the -400 and the -402. The thrust curve could easily be extrapolated to be between the -400 and -402 at low altitude. Devs have given it the benefit of the doubt and made it perform slightly above the -402 in-game.

This is explained extremely well in my report, that is why it was accepted. Any further discussion on the topic is pointless unless you have RM12 thrust charts to share. Now… stop complaining about a massive buff to your favorite plane.

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Make your mind up.

Do you have reliable sources for this claim? That’s my entire point, I never saw a source for this, only you speculating and saying “Well it must be true because I think so!”

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They’re in the report. You should know Gaijin is extremely picky about sources after the latest Abrams armor debacle.

I did, my opinion is completely unchanged…?

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The bugreport from the devserver

You could not be more wrong.

The thrust and drag change wasn’t even a nerf. The plane still out dogfights everything else that we have in the game.

The fact that British mains are still complaining about it is mind boggling.