
Yup, “fixed”. That’s why 4 out of 5 attempts to scout stuff yesterday failed like normal. I’m not moving. Target not moving. No trees/bushes/buildings/non-corporeal spirits in the way, and scouting doesn’t work. If you consider that “fixed” you need to re-examine the definition.

It’s not realistic that a scout is still spotting you when they can’t see you anymore, either. It’s a game, some mechanics are unrealistic for the sake of gameplay.
It would be just as annoying for a scout to mark an enemy in a problematic position so your team notices and engages them, only for the mark to get removed immediately bc you got killed by some CAS you couldn’t do anything about.

But there has to be some cut off eventually. And it’s a very easy visual clue that when the marking ends, you don’t get an assist anymore. otherwise, if it would be 5-10s later, it would create more frustration for people because you wouldn’t know precisely when the timer runs out. like “it wasn’t even 10s why didn’t I get the assist???” when it was indeed just over 10s.

You can also just re-mark an enemy immediately after it runs out.

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That just sounds like you hate scouting and want to remove it from the game entirely for subjective reasons. It would be borderline useless to have a light tank be stationary just to keep a target scouted, and sacrifice any awareness to their surroundings. Even worse for SPAA with the scouting ability not being able to check for planes just to keep a target marked.

Scouting really isn’t too strong.

On the contrary, I mainly play light tanks because they are a shortcut to my CAP fighters. I just find playing other tanks pointless if you compare their capabilities to that of light tank.

I merely lobby for meaningful and realistic scouting mechanic, rather than the semi-wallhack we have now.

I also experience this issue. My deformations look slightly different but maybe it’s because of different graphics settings.

5–10 seconds is enough time to scout the person again, and if you don’t, then you’re out of luck.
This is just so you’re not in the situation, that a person gets killed milliseconds after your scouting runs out, and you don’t get any credit for it.
That the same principle, like they introduced, where you don’t have to wait 45 seconds if you scout a vehicle, that has just been killed.
It just works as a buffer, and you can’t complain if you don’t get rewarded beyond that threshold.

Just like you don’t get the kill, when you disable a player, but a bomb blows you up before you can put in the final shot? CAS is a problem in of itself and has nothing to do with this directly. Yes, you lose your backup wager if you get blown up by a missile shortly after leaving the spawn, so what?
Point is, that part of the scouting should be to play passively and to try to stay alive while your team deals with the scouted vehicles. You shouldn’t just be running around, scouting everything you can, taking into account that you’re being killed is bad game design, that’s why it should be removed IMO.