I can’t with this tank, it is useless. At 9.0 and before 8.7 it speed was subpar just as its survivability and ammo. I cannot pen anything, volumetric makes sure of that. My speed does not matter a damn against Rooikats and Leopards. My ammo does not matter against darts.
I just don’t get it and I hate it. The only thing going for the Trash 279 are its looks. And the CC’s telling you this trash is bias material and a free nuke, fugget about it. They spread Gaijin paid propaganda.
Yep, HEATFS entirely defeats the purpose of Object 279.
Even Maus can resist some HEATFS shots when angled; Obviously the 279 has other strengths that make it 8.7 capable, just not 9.0.
I haven’t played mine since it was 8.7 but It always felt very capable, especially if you play it like a hull down medium tank since the turret is SIGNIFICANTLY more armored that the hull is, plus up until very recently it was almost completely immune to bombs. Now granted I have only 33 games in GRB with it (3.4:1 kdr), so 99% of my familiarity in it is in GAB where I have over 1100 games (6.3:1 kdr). It’s certainly a very good tank, but it requires a less aggressive playstyle than most CC’s play it with IMO.
Not really, the entire hull of the tank is vulnerable to HEATFS/APDS/APFSDS at basically all ranges. The turret is where the armor actually resists penetration by peer vehicles more often than not, and even the turret is vulnerable to high pen HEATFS/APDS/APFSDS rounds, just significantly less so than the hull.
putting it down in BR will just make that vehicles that had it hard at 7.7 have it harder since now they will be fighting something stabilized semi autoloaded with incredibly good armor and cannon, aka a nightmare for stuff like fox and XM800T or the AMX 50 TOA
ye also i didnt put the rest of the M48’s cuz its kinda redundant and other stuff like israel, but putting it down means it has an advantage over unstabilized tanks, it dosent need a br reduction the other stuff needs a BR decompression
Object 279 at 8.7 is like Maus at 7.7.
In a down-tier with a good player, 6.7s of course will struggle.
In an uptier their armor becomes less reliable.
Put Maus to 8.0 and 279 to 9.0? Both just die.
I have a perfect solution that NOT EVEN ONE PERSON talked about before, at least I don’t remember that, and I love my Maus btw, I was fuming about it a lot… The solution is to block said 4 tanks from having total uptiers, 279, Maus, E100 and is-4m. Just fixed br spread of going from +0 to +0.3. Maybe +0.6 for some of them.
Just recently it started dying to bombs of any size lol I THINK they removed its bomb resistance, used to almost never die to bombs even to multiple 1000kgs attached to the turret, now this thing just dies when a puny 250lbs landed in 10m. I don’t know if they botched something in the code or it’s intentional.
I would say it is rather over-hyped but not bad. Its armor will protect you from bad shots but anyone who knows what they are doing will kill you.
Last time i played it, 90% of shots i bounced/survived where from what i assume to be panic shots or lack of knowledge. Most people would shoot too low and miss the hull.
The gun is great though. I dont recall it being anything but good.
I can take it out again and see how it does. I will admit it has been a few months since i last played it.