Unlinking PSN account

Hello, a month ago I submited a request to unlink my PSN account so I can continue my journey to top tier on PC, but so far I got no reply from support, the only message I received was that I have to wait.

I really don’t want to start all over again, 3 years of grinding is not a small amount of time, but, I might do that since I have no answers.

Does usually takes that long to unlink an account? Or is it because they are not doing it anymore at the moment?

Right now they have thousands of requests to deal with so they have a massive backlog to work through, from what i have seen the average time is between 14 days and 3 months, not something that takes 10 minutes either as it takes several days per user, be paitient and as time progresses it will speed up.

TL/DR: there are a lot of requests, be patient and they will catch up eventually