United States aircraft roundel 1943-1947

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Hello, I would like to suggest the United States aircraft roundel that were used between 1943 to 1947.


Out of all the US aircraft roundels, we don’t have this variant yet in-game, and so I thought it would be nice to also have it in-game.
It would give the players an option to customize the roundels on their US aircraft, for example if someone wanted to have an aircraft with early war skin, like the SBD Dauntless, customized with mid-late war era markings, they could cover the early war roundels with this one.

Thank you!


+1 Yes, this needs to be added ASAP. I hope it comes with clear and high-quality resolution, not like other old and weathered decals.


yes I want to use this on aircraft that don’t already have it!

I’d also love to see the U.S 1918-1919 roundrel.


Aswell as the U.S 1916 roundrel
