United Korean Aviation Tech Tree

Any particular reason as to why? I can understand North Korea being in the Chinese TT but I don’t see the logical reasoning of South Korea being there.

An Tech Tree can only have 5 lines currently according to Gaijin so an extra line is out of the window and the Chinese TT is in no need of a subtree especially when they have a lot of potential domestic vehicles that can be added.

So if player want Korean vehicles it would either have to be through Combined Tree, subtrees (SK bit difficult) or individual event vehicles.


Maybe add Korea to the Chinese tech tree?

I mean it mostly in the sense to be able to add the vehicles in the game, since japan is not an option and imo the US does not need them, i think the ROC part of the chinese TT would be the best idea imo

Iirc china has only 4 lines atm, SK could get its own line while NK could be mixed into another one something like the hungarian bomber line mixed with the italian bomber line or vise versa, NK could gets its own independent line while SK could get added in mixed with the ROC line of the TT

I’d still prefer a Korean tree.

While I get the PRC+DPRK and ROC+ROK subtree idea, there is one glaring issue. Gaijin can’t officially make an ROC subtree, as for that they would need to state PRC and ROC as separate countries, which they sadly won’t do due to the controversy that would bring from the PRC side.

So if they add it it will most likely be a simple “Korea to China” explanation that will assume ROK as a collateral for the DPRK joining PRC rather than a subtree for ROC. Sure, they could add it to a more separate ROC/ROK line, but then there is no more space for a DPRK line.

So in my opinion it’s best to avoid this issue and add a Korean tree, and different subtrees for China.


China has Pakistan.

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Give or take too much guess work.

Korea is one of those countries that if you put either or into another nation you are just wanting a lot of bad press and a considerable amount of controversy. It isn’t one of those countries the populace will shrug off. Since they won’t.

DPRK as a subtree for China would be a workable concept, but ROK in the China tree wouldn’t really make much sense. It’d be almost as problematic as making them a subtree for Japan.

IMO there are only 2 ways get ROK into War Thunder that wouldn’t cause problems. Either the united Korea tree or as a subtree for USA. And USA doesn’t really need a subtree.


The only thing I have an issue with is that the Ground Forces would have to start at Rank IV to match the Air Tree because I highly doubt we would see Rank III without any CAS support. It’s possible since it’s only one rank difference but I don’t think it’s likely. Other than that looks good to me. Sure there’s Copy and Paste but if anyone wants any new nations, then we’re going to have to have C&P. +1

Also can’t wait to fly my KF-5F Jegong-ho:


There is at least one Rank III plane option for North Korea, and it’s their indigenous fighter.

Although I don’t know what South Korea could get…


Did they ever use any other early fighter craft? Even if C&P or is this everything post-Japanese occupation?

Other early planes used include:

  • Il-10, Rank IV
  • Yak-6, Rank I
  • Yak-9, Rank II
  • Yak-9P, Rank IV
  • Po-2, Rank I
  • La-9, Rank IV

Frustratingly nothing that would fit at Rank III. The US did claim a few air kill as La-7s, but these are most likely misidentifications of La-9s and La-11s. North Korea also restored an abandoned Ki-43-II (Rank I, 2.7) but it was never airworthy.


+1 This is the perfect way to express Korea

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+1 But it’s not an independent country. As a subtree of the United States, it needs K2

Man u spoiled af


Suggestion: the F-40 Early/Late could be replaced with an F-30/40 as there were upgraded F-30 Sabres with AIM-9 rails


Serial number 54-2308 is a F-30 saber given to the Koreans in 1955 and as you can see it has the rails


Yup, I deployed the F-86F-30 with wings replaced by the F-86F-40s as premiums.

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Shortly after the J10A update, Mr. Baranikov, the chief game planner of War Thunder, said in a special live broadcast to China that China has other sub-trees in preparation besides Pakistan

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i dont know why people always talking about historical issue or sth… but now Korea and Japan are very close aliies against threats from china and russia. And if u add Korea vehicles in WWII then theres many Copies. Id like to see K2 or some unique vehicles produced by South Korea appear in our game. but not with a long tech tree full of american and soviet copies :)

Check out the suggestions because there are more domestic unique vehicles in Rank III/IV, yes there will be CnP but like mentioned from Rank III/IV there is like 33% CnP. If we talk about the whole tree it’s 20-30% CnP.

So yes, you will face American and russian full CnP (extensive modified foreign vehicle still unique) but no this will not be lines of CnP as you claimed.

This also doesn’t mean much as neither are actual allies, they only work together as partners (security cooperation) just like how Japan works with Indian, Australia and etc on security.

So South Korea in Japan is a clear no go.