Unfairly banned

Recently I have been in contact with a game master and then a community manager, and the response I got is not what I was hoping for I truly don’t think they took the time to look into my case and I feel like I was unfairly banned, I don’t think they have took into consideration just how much time and money I have put into this game (3500 hours) (5 years) (over 2 thousand pounds), I also lost my 1470+ consistent log in streak, and it is so disappointing that they have no interest in helping me, all I’m after is to be unbanned again so I can carry on playing the game but because I made one silly joke I am not allowed, I need everyone’s help to get spread my story and issue so that the devs can actually see it, I will put a detailed description of the story below.

On the 24th of February I made a video show casing my account, showing all my jets tanks and boats, I made a joke saying “if we hit a thousand views I’ll sell my account” I was joking why would I sell an account I have worked so hard for, this was completely blown out of proportion when I had people in my comments saying they was reporting me as soon as I realised how I can’t make jokes like that I took the video down straight away (approximately 6 hours after it got posted) it didn’t reach too high of a viewer count only hitting 1.2 thousand, now honestly I didn’t expect it to hit that been as I’m a small channel with only 217 subs, but by the time I took it down I was already banned, I messaged support and they told me to come here, when I came here I put a post up explaining the same thing but shorter, the response I got was “we have reviewed and we have decided no further action will be taken your account will remain permanently banned” now I think that is completely unfair, I know I made one bad joke but banning me forever is unjust considering how much time, effort and money I have put into this game, all I’m asking is for my case to be properly looked at and reviewed, I know I messed up joking about selling it, I can understand if I got banned for a couple days or weeks but permanently I feel is unfair, I hope everyone has a great rest of there day and considers spreading my story.

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Thats not all. Show me a screen shot of your game and the reasons why it got banned. A bad joke won’t make them ban your acc

Never joke about selling your account.
In your case, never joke about selling your NEXT account :-)


Hello, As you’ve already been in contact with a community manager and been given a reply there’s nothing else anyone can do.

Full quote from the CM;

After thoroughly reviewing the evidence presented to us, we have concluded that your account will remain permanently banned. This decision is final and will not be reconsidered.
If you have any questions regarding this action, you may refer to our [Terms of Service /Community Guidelines ] for further clarification.