Unfair F-18C Implementation - Why Must the Finnish Hornet Be Inferior?

As I said “would”.
I don’t know if the radar-slaving is a thing on F-18C Block 20, and I don’t rightly care cause I’ll never be using that as a feature in WT. I’ll be using TWS exclusively for radar missiles as TWS is superior to HMD in all but close range where IR missiles become better.

I think there’s a misunderstanding between us. I never claimed that the base F-18C had this capability. My argument was that this aircraft should be intruduced in the MLU1 configuration, so it could have parity with the American one and I think most people myself included find the radar HMD vital in the BR this one is being introduced. Sorry if I’ve disrespectful

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And I likewise apologize if I wasn’t the most tactful I could be in responding.
I have no objections for adding MLU1 personally; I suspect Gaijin is saving superior weapons for MLU1 that would impact its air RB BR.

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Yeah but as they’ve said they’re going to skip the MLU1 completely and make a later one with the a2g so likely an MLU2 variant with all of the weapons and all of the variants having AMRAAMs I don’t see how this version is a good idea now nor in the future as this one can’t have any of the better weapons and the developers can just withhold any weapons for the sake of balance like the A-10A late for example.

And Finalnd didn’t own the most modern AMRAAMs until MLU2 anyway so this would still be the early unique pure a2a fighter. So if it was implemented as an MLU1 it would have more balancing range in the future and literally no change in BR compared to what we have now

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Unknown for now, nore likely in alter update as the EFT arrived just before this so id say next update or the one after realistically.

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Nice job on the camo

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Already said they are skipping MLU 1 in favor of MLU 2 so same vehicle but maybe 300kg less and with BOL and A2G restored. Ill need to check weight when it comes out but the Finnish Hornets lack the arrestor hook since they are locally produced iirc. The mount and frame for the hook is about 300-350kg

Gaijin is sadly only planning to add the MLU-2 upgrade what brings in CAS capability and not the MLU-1 what brings better A2A upgrades. Or at least that’s what smin said somewhere.

The next ome will have CAS so MLU 1 is being skipped

Yeah that’s what I said and at least for me and my group of friends that’s sad bc we would wan’t the mlu-1 over the legacy version (Legacy meaning pre mlu)

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Oh trust me i know, but as per usual gaijin doesn’t care

Oh they have the hook allright and all the FAF bases have arrestor gear. And there are even mobile arrestor kits for the road bases. Even though they are only used for emergencies. If they had removed the arrestor gear they would’ve had to add ballast in it’s place so why remove it as it’s useful.

Do they all have the hook? Ive seen a few images of them without the arrestor hooks.


Theres probably a list of which ones have it and don’t, i dont have any such list but it would be interesting since ive seen a few without them. Im curious what the percentage is of non equipped are. Must be fairly low

It’s good to see the backlash is still going strong.

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More like it’s done nothing since gaijin would never change their mind to begin with. Its nice to see how many people gaijin simply don’t care about. Just goes to show you need to have major nation syndrome to get whatever you want.

I don’t think they normally operate them without them as it’s part of standard emergency procedures to use them, and have been used in real emergencies. I can’t say that they’ve never flown them without the actual hook as you’ve seen pictures without them. I suspect that they’ve been just missing the hook, not their attachments (the heavy part).

Certainly you couldn’t fly them with everything removed without a ballast. It would severely affect manouverability as there’s a long moment arm to the center of gravity from the tail.

Eh, honestly who knows, i wouldn’t be suprised if some models had the hooks removed for testing things then just never reapplied. But without official documents its hard to say. One of the weird things i guess.

It was heavily advertised in the 1990’s that the F-18 has an added bonus of an arrestor hook for emergencies. And the arrestor gear exists and there are likely photos of them. I’ll try to find one.