This is not about historical accuracy. It’s about a fair and balanced implementation of the fundamentally same aircraft among different nations.
Well, we all know that some nations have fewer hurdles about historical accuracy. :/
These F-5C’s infamous AN/ALE-40 CM pod… might be one of the most famous examples.
So F-15E, Rafale, F-15C… have sub-par acceleration according to your post…
HMD isn’t what makes the American F-18C good, it’s the flight performance and weapon kit.
For GJ, historical accuracy comes first.
Having a HMD or not will not make a better player. I did many AirSB until now. AJ37Di has no HMD, yesterday I did one AirSB and i splashed 18 bandits another 5 i took out with my F-5AG. Among them EFT too. AJ37Di is not a good dogfighter, unless u encounter bad EFT player. In AirSB, you fand a lot of them … who are just trying to grind (PVE guys)
My top 5 planes in AirSB with more than 200 AA kills and zero AG kills.
- F-16D Barak II
- Milan
- Kfir Canard
- F-16C Barak II
- F-5E Tiger II
I don’t take current dev server numbers as an indication of how it will be as everything is work in progress and subject to change. I prefer to base my statements on real life performance data which does show a discrepancy between the Hornet and other 14.0 aircraft such as the F-15E and EFT. The Hornet accelerates similar to a Phantom.
14.0 F-18 is going to be very average regardless of the HMD. It’s just that such a feature is essential to top-tier air combat, and it’s entirely unfair for the US model to receive whilst the Finnish one does not.
I guess we will see
You mean real-life performance data that Gaijin uses and results in the same exact results…
Unless you mean times, which militaries aren’t us.
They’re not bringing 5 minutes of AB fuel into matches, we are.
And yes, F-18C will be on-par [average] with Rafale, Typhoon, etc. That’s the point of the BR system.
Gaijin: WDYM, you have MLU version too! You need to wait for it and stock grinds it all over again!
We all don’t know HMD is essential for F-18 to stay 14.0 unless updates go live.
But I guarantee that Gaijin will make you stock-grind the ‘almost’ same plane once more when F/A-18C MLU comes out.
If historical accuracy comes first they can implement the current Finnish F-18 as an MLU1 upgrade package variant. This upgrade package added HMD, IFF, and replaced the radio equipment (also added compatibility with the AIM-9X but that is irrelevant right now).
HMD is essential in top-tier air gameplay as it allows you to reacquire a target much, much faster when you come out of a notch. The guy with an HMD will always have an advantage over the guy without one when trading shots.
Oh boy, wait until you read up on what they did to Fulcrums and Flankers
As we all know the BR system is flawless and entirely balanced!!! There are no cases of blatantly under- or over-BR’d vehicles whatsoever!!!
The dev server is work in progress. If Gaijin models the F-18 correctly, it will not be sharing the same acceleration characteristics with something like a Kfir C.2 even.
I don’t have that feeling. But maybe is because I don’t fly many planes, but just a few ones. I am focused on a few and in my stats it ressembles the fact that for me HMD is not really key factor.
I will give that Hornet a chance when it comes out into prod.
lol The fact you claim F-16C and F-18C are slower than a Kfir is proof enough that your posts are wrong.
The current implementation of the Fulcrums and Flankers are laughing stock. I am genuinely baffled at whatever Gaijin higher-up greenlighted these flight models and weapon kits. It could not be further from reality.
Never said anything about the F-16C. The F-18C is and will be (if Gaijin doesn’t mess it up) slower than the Kfir C.2/7/10. This is statistical data, I don’t see what you are trying to argue about here.
Yes you did, by claiming the F-18C is slower you’re claiming the F-16C is closer.
You have no evidence and will never have evidence.
F-18C and F-16C are faster than Kfir IRL and will always be.
Ignore him, he’s a badly programmed ragebait bot
What makes the American AN/APG-73 compatible with JHMCS? As far as I know none of the changes I could find from phase 1 to phase 2 would change the ability to interact with JHMCS