Careful, i cant ping him lest he smites me to the snail room so be prepared for him to ignore you a lot when trying to get him to answer this topic
Hey. We have already answered regarding the Finnish F-18 several times.
The version coming this update is the pre MLU variant. A later MLU+ version is planned in the future.
what about the br? both arb and grb.
will it go lower since lacking hms makes it inferior to its US counterpart. Not to mention the lack of a2g ordinances.
As it was a worse Hornet, can we expect it to go down like the F/A-18A?
Why even choose the pre MLU variant? Other aircraft have received versions of their aircraft with JHMCS upgrade at lower BRs. In my experience the HMD is invaluable asset on aircraft such as F-15E and EF Typhoon which have a major edge over the Hornet in speed and thus the Hornet would need it in the current meta as its BVR capability is limited to other aircraft due to the speed disadvantage and would find itself constantly defensive. The whole package could be introduced with the MLU2 package and the Hornet that releases now could be somewhat viable with the MLU1 package in the current meta.
Honestly I don’t see the reasoning for the pre MLU variant meanwhile there are aircraft with the JHMCS upgrade package in the game. I get that there could be a second one coming since there might be new missiles coming in but there are also aircraft that for balance reasons do not have better missiles at lower BRs. Why can’t we have that here? (I’m referring to 9X and better AMRAAMS coming sometime down the road)
I know im risking being banned by pinging you but how can gaijin ignore this? Every hour it gets more people voting.
Sweden will lack an equivalent 14.0 and telling us to wait until MLU 2 is not working, being more open about how gaijin plans on implementing the F-18 for Finland would be a much better help. RN you keep telling us to wait for an equivalent F-18C so why do we have to wait? Why not lower the BR of the current Model or do what you guys did when the US wanted the 229 engines of the F15E. Why do we not get that same treatment? Hell even the subreddit has 2 posts that have over a 1000 people voicing thwir opinion how is that not even slightly worth maybe stating the devs may look at changing the current F-18C so it has HMD? Literally any word from the devs would be amazing as long as they are actually listening.
If I had to take a wild guess, just based on what equipment Sweden and Finland use; maybe, just maybe, they are trying to save what little is left for this nation and its subtree.
A quick wiki dive said the Finnish only have the F/A-18C (which it is or has started retiring) and the F/A-18D. It has an order for the F-35 but I think we can all agree that airframe isnt coming anytime soon. At least not this year. So perhaps Gaijin is saving that variant so the Swedish nation as a whole doesn’t have just one airframe left before having to watch everyone else continue to get stuff. And I also don’t see Gaijin throwing in another sub-tree within Sweden just to keep them relevant at top tier. At least not this year either.
This is a similar problem too for like Germany, France, and the UK. They only spec’ed into one modern airframe (that being the Eurofighter) that only a handful sub-trees can bolster with an F/A-18 here and there before they too get an F-35. Meanwhile the US and Russia have at least half a dozen variants of existing, already implemented planes they can continue to add or pull from.
I can understand the anger but I think Gaijin is in the right here. Its better to delay the upgraded variant just so Sweden (and Finland) can continue to get something and not be confined to sidelines because they ran out of airframes.
Ideally, and I really hope this is the case, they will folder it with the existing F/A-18 so the research grind isnt too punishing to you all. I think that is the fair and right way to do it, personally.
Why care about historical accuracy now? Whats stopping them from adding MLU 1 now with the current F18C and then MLU+ with 9X being the only difference and then same deal with the MLU 2 thats 4 hornets with the weapons being the difference which helps fill multiple BR’s if gaijin is that worried about jets that is how they should handle it. The current way they are going about it is a middle finger saying hey we dont want to give you an equivalent 14.0 so heres this garbage bandaid solution try to get a bad KD and maybe in 6 months we might look at lowering it but probably won’t.
Its a joke and im tired of gaijin giving half assed excuses
Just gonna add this, gaijin has done the 400k rp sink 3 times to us without foldering vehicles and the only difference being 1 mod. At this point i wouldn’t care if we got 2 hornets, a 13.7 (the current one at 14.0) and a MLU 1 without 9X at 14.0 and both being 400k rp, ive been handed the same middle finger 3 times prior so at this point im used to it.
while you lower the BR of the hornet A, the hornet C early rb is under BR, the only equivalent to the hornet C late you take out HMD, will keep br 14.0 and and whoever plays SWE will have to stay stuck on that plane until you add MLU.
and you want no one to complain ???
You do your best to shit on the minor nations.
That’s it every time, F15 baz menshupar, it was like this, F16AM and OCU, Even Chian, which shouldn’t be treated as a minor nation, receives this type of treatment, just like it was with J11A.
If you are truly upset about having to grind out another F/A-18, then why would you wish for four of them?
It feels weird to side with Gaijin and their decision, but I do think it’s the right call. Using your logic here, respectfully, then the likes of say the US would have six or so F-16s at this point. Gaijin simply doesn’t do model implementation like that. Like, I don’t see the US getting another F-15 until the EX model. Or say another F-16 until the Block 70/72. It is not their MO to give every single half step up.
Okay maybe its the way i phrased it. I have no problem grinding multiple vehicles, my gripe is why do we have to play an inferior jet without HMD which might i remind you is a fairly vital function for Air. At 14.0 alongside the version that has HMD. That is my biggest gripe. If gaijin is actually scared about the lack of vehicles what they have currently done is skip the MLU 1 and go straight to the MLU 2 as Smin stated the next hornet will have A2G. So your logic that gaijin will handle this correctly is incorrect. What needs to happen is for this hornet to go down to 13.7 or be made into a MLU 1 without 9X. Gaijin can then add a version of the MLU 1 and 2 with and without 9X and C-5 Fox 3 to fill out the BR’s going forward. As rn Gripen NG/E are the only thing left before F-35. My proposal adds essentially 5 hornets if this current F18C is sent to 13.7, the current idea that an HMDless hornet should sit at 14.0 is a joke
Very well remembered, it’s always this and an eternal tug of war between the minor nations and the US players.
While we’re on the topic care to explain the MLU+ before you guys start creating fake aircraft? You’d be doing better just doing one massive explanation of the current F-18C and what we should expect because you continue to doge the question. The current assumption is MLU 1 is to be skipped and to end on the MLU 2 since you mentioned THE NEXT Finnish hornet will have A2G. So now you’re saying MLU+ so again if you would be willing to explain if we should expect 1 MLU 2 or if gaijin is planning on making a fake mix mashed model for the next update it would be appreciated since you seem to be actively ignoring all questions here after your first reply. I understand this is essentially a pool filled with sharks but you can’t act suprised given the fact that the devs gave the US the 229 engines but then refuse the Finnish players the same luxury.
@Smin1080p_WT Technically this isn’t me pinging you like yesterday but more so a question regarding your new designation of this MLU+ in Finnish service
just given HMD for balance
Blockquote when one could also simply be grateful for what is added.
When I buy stuff I am not grateful for half-assed product.
If I buy bread I’m not grateful for stale one, because some is starving, I go back to the shop and demand refund
If I buy internet I’m not grateful if it’s slower than I paid for, because someone has no internet at all, I just call the ISP and demanding fixing it
So if gaijin has a product, which is war thunder, and I spend time and some times real money, why would I be grateful for anything? Why would I be gateful for worse hornet? Because germany didn’t get one? I’m playing this game, engaging with gaijin’s product, which gaijin is getting money from me personally and from investors who see me as +1 to player count, and I expect quality and being respected, as well as others, even US mains with F15E/I engine fiasco should be respected as well as other nations.
MLU+ is not / will not be the designation of the aircraft. Its simply stating its later than the first MLU. We are not confirming its designation right now.
Nothing is being ignored. Simply we have answered this multiple times now across several topics.
I am sorry but I still feel my questions have not been answered. What is the point of including a “unique” vehicle that only makes it worse than their counterparts in a way that is commonly considered crucial at its BR if the vehicle can’t be put into a lower BR and no unique place exists for it compared to the vastly more superior counterpart.
Also both this aircraft and its counterpart went through the same program (JHMCS) but it can only be implemented to one of these aircraft
MLU1 never had AIM-120Cs so it can’t by established logic applied to it receive them in the future so there still will be unique A2A role for the MLU2 in the future
All we are asking for is parity for a feature that is vital for an aircraft at this BR, especially so because this aircraft already is the weakest of its BR. This should be included since the variant that had them had otherwise minimal modifications
Personally I would rather have vehicles in the game that are viable and well balanced or not have them or have some of them done well and fairly and others done half-assed
Should we expect both MLU 1 and MLU 2? Your wording from.prior makes it seem that gaijin have no plans to add the MLU one which makes an already underwhelming TT even worse by not including the first of the uniquely Finnish modifications additionally have the devs actually heard or even seen that again we want to see the Finnish F-18C be on par A2A wise as the US model? The game is dominated by defending from Fox 3 and without HMD that this jet essentially unabke to play to the same standards so considering the US F-18’s keep dropping in BR why is the same not available to us?