Unfair F-18C Implementation - Why Must the Finnish Hornet Be Inferior?


ALR-67v3 is more advanced, digital version of ALR-67Ev2 which is an improvement on the ALR-67v2

67Ev2 seems to have better detection range and stabilization (for manuevers)

So v3 should have better range and significantly better processing than the v2 (has better integration with HARM and other ECM systems but those aren’t in-game yet)

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Guess ill need to see testing in game so now the US hornet has better

RWR can detect K band

Not looking good for a 14.0 aircraft thats the same BR in ground RB as the US Model with A2G lmao.

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Went ahead and asked in game difference. So a huge margin for playing in ground rb with SPAA.


Well… I you want to keep the same then PLEASE make this less pain to grind. As you can see the US one has at least stock Sparrow along the way compare to the FIN and even worse is the FIN don’t have ANYTHING except AIM-9M do you think this will help anything in 14.0? More over its 9000 XP more than the US and located in the 4th tier. My god are you CRAZY?

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Finland never used aim 9L, gaijin added it because historical accuracy means nothing but making the grind take longer is number 1 priority to balance


Manufacturers [and the contracts signed] dictate historical accuracy of weapons on aircraft, not air forces.
So your post claiming that the manufacturer of F-18 is incorrect is an interesting take.

Prove that the manufacturer is wrong?

Prove that F-18C was only ever used by Finland. I’ll wait.
Prove that the manufacturers of F-18 are liars.

Bold claims require evidence.

The F-18C in game is based on the version that was in service. And in service they never used 9L. So the Finnish Model shouldn’t have 9L since they never had them. Thats adding a false missile to the vehicle since it never had them. Idc if the US mounted a UFO on it and gaijin gave it to them but Finland didn’t have 9L. So for gaijin to claim its a historically accurate Finnish Hornet and then add 9L is a blatant lie.


Prove the F-18C is incompatible with AIM-9L.
Or Prove that the Finnish air force manufactured the aircraft without AIM-9L support.

What Finland’s airforce used [only 9Ms] doesn’t matter. What only matters is that the manufacturer [and the contract signed] dictates historical loadouts, not the air force.

I don’t get why anyone would care that F-18s have AIM-9Ls when that’s a historical loadout as dictated by the manufacturer.

Then give me the reason why Gajin removed bombs and other stuff from FIN MiG-21 bis?

Not incompatible nor did i say that, i said that if its supposed to be historically accurate like gaijin has stated and only have items and upgrades that were in use by Finland then it should have 9L removed. Your logic is you crying about a problem i didn’t mention. I simply stated that if gaijin wants to deny balancing upgrades like MLU 1 and then claim this model is accurate to Finnish service then don’t give it a missile it never used in Finnish service.

It seems you cant understand or just dont care what im pointing out so ill be ignoring you and your wild takes that i didn’t make


Why only the FIN MiG-21 don’t have while other does?

Historically they didn’t have bombs due to their treaty. The mounts for them remained which can even be seen on photos of them. For historical purposes gaijin removed them since Finland didn’t mount bombs on the Mig 21Bis.

Yes, then do you think he can understand the things I’m relating with the FIN F-18? I don’t think so.

Again, prove one of two things: The Finnish air force themselves produced these aircraft and removed AIM-9L incompatibility.
OR prove that the actual manufacturer removed compatibility.

The Finnish F-18C is historically accurate, this is a fact not an opinion. AIM-9Ls can and were used on F-18Cs, and there’s no such thing as removing compatibility with AIM-9s.

We are not LARPing as air forces. We’re using manufacturer’s aircraft.



It does.

Again, you have to prove the IRL one is capable of using ground ordnance if you’re talking about that.

No hes purposely trying to derail the topic


Stop trying to change the subject. Derailing this F-18C discussion should not occur, so stop trying to do it just cause you got called out on your posts’ wild false claim.

Prove that F-18s can’t use AIM-9Ls, or don’t.
If you don’t, I expect you to acknowledge the content of your previous posts were incorrect whether you edit them with correct information or not.

Manufacturers ARE historical accuracy.

Idk its like he thinks gaijin has even once balanced a single Finnish aircraft on what the manufacturer states it can carry vs historical accuracy lol.

Saab made BOL for Finnish f-18 in 2009