Un carro per l'Italia

P43 bis

Equipaggio: 5 uomini
Lunghezza: 5,80m
Larghezza: 2,99m
Altezza: 2,44m
Peso: 30t
Corazza scafo: 100/50/50
Corazza torretta: 80/50/50
Armamento principale: 90mm Cannone da 90/53 Mod. 39
Armamento secondario: 1x 8mm Breda Modello 1938 MG
Motore: Fiat SPA 242 con 430PS
Velocità: 50/40km/h



Although I like this tank is want to see it in game, currently according to Gaijin’s policies it is impossible to add it to the game. Because it is a tank that has remained at the design stage, there remain some photographs of it showing its 1:10 scale wooden model.

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nono they had a metal variant of it

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