Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Oh, yes!

I did a little googling with Google Translate and found this video (for some reason, I couldn’t paste it, so I’ll just leave the link).

The Italian R3 T20 just looks on from the sidelines…


I dont want a Soviet Union part 2 and play the same vehicles all over again


So what’s the problem? Just don’t do it!


Recoil is literally can turn it upside down if gunner will hold the trigger for 5-7 seconds instead of 0.5

Another collection of photos from BMPT-64 (BMPV-64). Interestingly, it looks like two unpaired towers.

More photos

More detailed photo

Original photos are here: Google Drive


Maybe. But it will still be fun… In addition, BRDM-2 has an additional 4 wheels that can be lowered. This will increase stability. What is this if not a new gameplay?

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EBR historically was capable of the same yet doesn’t have it modelled, I unfortunately don’t think Gaijin would model this feature :(


Unless of course Gaijin is more inclined to model features on Soviet vehicles 😉

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Soviet tech tree isn’t just Russian tree. Post-Soviet vehicles like Su-39 should be inside Soviet tree.


Well, SU-39 can be in the Soviet (actually Russian) tree. I think no one will argue with you here. But it seems to me that you have made a mistake with the topic…

This topic asks for a new tech tree which defeat the purpose of Soviet tree.

Why don’t you read the proposal to the end, and at least a little bit of the discussion. You just joined the discussion and immediately write something that has been discussed and forgotten here for a long time. What does this have to do with the SU-39? It’s a Russian jet, so let it remain Russian/USSR.

As for the fact that the proposed tree hinders something, pay attention to the proposal from Blastertitan.


I said Su-39 of Kazakhstan as an example of Post-Soviet vehicle that must be inside Soviet tree and is inside of it now and not another new tree that bloat the game. Soviet tree begun from interwar and just because it collapsed it doesn’t mean that any vehicle after its collapse should be in a new nation tree. Ukraine SSR was part of Soviet Union so any vehicle of Ukraine should be inside Soviet tree.

The Soviet tree is already full. And there is only Russian vehicles there. There is no vehicle from post-Soviet countries.

Tech tree isn’t a glass water to be filled. Much like UK that has South Africa sub tree or new Hungarian sub tree for Italy, Post Soviet Ukraine’s vehicles can also be added as sub tree to Soviet that share more connections with each other than previous examples (UK/South Africa and Italy/Hungary) that I stated.


Okay, we got your point. Don’t forget to vote at the beginning of the topic.

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Ukrainian should be a future sub TT for hopefully future Czechoslovakia + Poland TT.

But dont mind me…thats just me hoping and coping.

Edit: How was this post flagged as inappropriate There is nothing inappropiate aboout is? And if its the word coping, it is towards myself and not anyone else who replied unter this post.

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You can not play it. Same thing as Japan and Israel, they were so popular at the introduction and some time after, but now tech from this nations is rare sight for me.

Having followed the discussion, I can say that there are some of us:

  • People who really want a separate Ukrainian tree.
  • People who agree with Ukrainian tanks (1-2 units), but believe that Ukraine should be in the USSR tree.
  • People who do not want Ukrainian tanks because they think they are copy-pastes.
  • people who just came to see what was there and quickly ran away when they got scared.

The topic of Ukraine’s contribution to Soviet tank building is very controversial. Some argue that everything that existed during the Soviet Union was Soviet or Russian. Others say that Ukraine existed and that everything that happened on the territory of Ukraine was Ukrainian.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Personally, I would like to see a separate Ukrainian tree because:

  • The proposed equipment was manufactured or modernized in Ukraine. Ukraine is now an independent country. And the amount of its vehicles is enough for a separate tree. Given that Israel has been added to the game, we can conclude that the developers are ready to introduce this kind of tree. And now this tree is being developed and new vehicles are being added.

  • The USSR no longer exists. The developers are adding new modern vehicles by linking them to a non-existent country. This is not logical. Therefore, for the game to develop further, it is necessary to change the very essence of the division of nations.

  • The USSR tree is already full. If we want to add other countries to the USSR tree (which has turned into Russia), there is not enough space for modern Russia.

  • What is proposed to be added (except for the 4th rank) is not a copycat. The vehicles are equipped with different engines, different shells, different armor, and different looks. It will have a different BR and will be played differently. And those who want only the most unique tanks just need to realize that they have already run out.

And those people who do not respect Ukrainians and claim that Ukraine did not exist in Soviet times, but only a large Russia. They should find a map of the Soviet Union and look for Russia and Ukraine. Of course, if you talk about a country with such disrespect, it will be defended with the same disrespect.


As i said earlier most of purposed tech tree in first post is majority copy of USSR and other nations without modifications like T-54s, IS heavy tanks and etc. Also, it added vehicles of other nations for filler like Leo 2a6 of Germany and Challenger of UK So it’s not enough to be a full tech tree.
Also, just because USSR no longer exist it doesn’t mean it should not receive any new vehicles.
Tech tree isn’t a glass of water or cup of tea to get filled. All of excess vehicles can be in group.
Political maps matter less. Sweden already hosts vehicles from Finland. Does that mean Finland is part of Sweden? Or Hungarian vehicles in Italy make Hungary a puppet of Italy?
Almost all of argument in favor of adding Ukraine is political and is about recent war. You want to make things political, and it doesn’t serve game and players good. Political games die fast.