Okay, then make Ukrainian vehicles to be the orthodox top-tier USSR tech tree vehicles, and then make another independent Russian tree.
If youre suggesting a Combined USSR tree, and a separate Russian tree, thats an interesting Idea to say the least. It could be feasible. But it still negates Ukr and all other warsaw production post '91
An interesting vehicle from Excalibur Army in Czechia. This vehicle, the Victor, is equipped dual 14.5mm machine guns or the ZPU-2 anti-aircraft gun. A good early anti-aircraft platform for the tree. Could even be added to a Czechoslovakian or Visegrad tree.

This vehicle, along with the T-72EA also developed by Excalibur Army, have been provided to the Ukrainian Army.

- Czech Excalibur Army to Manufacture Artisan Vehicles With ZPU-2 Guns for the Ukrainian Army | Defense Express
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_january_2023_global_security_army_industry/czech_republic_has_already_supplied_ukraine_with_20_t-72ea_modernized_tanks.amp.html
- Czech modernised tanks and other systems are and will be helping Ukraine in its fight against Russia | CZDEFENCE - czech army and defence magazine
- Improvements of the T-72EA tank upgraded for Ukraine have been revealed - ВПК.name
So that sets a good precidence to where NK and even SK may end up. Someone suggested adding the K1s/K2s post US M60 line, i for one am all for that since it actually is a deadend line. Have the M60-2000 be after the TTS and then go S Korea subtree. Sorry to go off topic from this post though
You are right, maybe we think alike, but because we are from different countries. The understanding of the case differs! But this language barrier has never prevented you from having fun in the game. Even in very very tactical games. Also with my poor knowledge of English I had a lot of fun with people from different countries
So this is an interesting idea, then it will be necessary to start somewhere with cancer III or IV
Moreover, Ukraine also uses BTR 80
BTR-80UP-KB — KP of the battalion commander
BTR-80UP-S is a command and staff vehicle
BTR-80UP-M is a sanitary car
BTR-80UP-R is a reconnaissance vehicle
BTR-80UP-BREM is an armored repair and evacuation vehicle
BTR-80UP-T is a transport vehicle
Anti-tank and AntiAir
BTR-3е ( CPWS-30 )
BTR-3е 90мм
New APC (Prototype)
+1 Supported it on the old forum and I’ll support it again here. Still not quite fond of the inclusion of vehicles only developed/produced in the Ukrainian territory and not used or owned by the country of Ukraine, however.
Come on guys stop with the political drama. We literally went through this on the old forum already.
Keep focused on posting about news or modified Ukrainian vehicles as well as tree feedback.
- A BTR-4A which is equipped with the GROM or ‘Thunder’ Combat Module. The GROM features 4x Konkurs-M anti-tank guided missiles, a 30mm 2A42 autocannon, a 30mm KBA-117 Automatic Grenade Launcher, and a KT-7.62mm Machine Gun.
- Here is an older image of the vehicle equipped with multiple layers of camouflage.
Additional Notes:
- Currently I’m not sure of the status of the BTR-4A’s in the Ukraine military. They were active in 2014 however, have not been seen all too much since then. They may have been refurbished with a ‘Parus’ Combat module which has newer electronics and different weapon systems which could’ve lead them to be redesignated as BTR-4E, etc. If anyone has more information on this, please do share 🫡 They are a pretty awesome looking vehicle with the color scheme and high-reaching combat module.
I must say no to a dedicated tech tree.
No navy period. Far more limited air, and extremely limited helicopters.
I’d rather drive these with other forces.
- So these are old photos and old modifications
Now they use much better ones! - BTR-4E and other modifications are used constantly…
BTR-4 has many targets destroyed, two T72B3 and 1 BMP-2 and several BMP-1
ONLY one car in the city of Maripol did it. Search for videos on YouTube
No, I’m just realistic. Ukraine doesn’t operate Ka-52s, and we’re going to get all the listed aircraft in the Soviet Union, of which Ukraine was a major SSR.
We already have the Mi-24s as well. So there’s nothin in your list that’ll be unique let alone fill a tree.
At this rate however, if the Ukrainian SSR is forgotten about, can always be a subtree for Poland.
I respect your opinion as there are some weaker branches.
My thoughts on it outside of the Ground Tree. They lack a blue water fleet, however a sufficient Coastal Tree can be generated with indigenous watercraft and the pinnacle being their frigate. For aircraft, Ukraine has developed upgrades for it’s old Soviet-era aircraft to include new fire control systems and new missiles such as the Gran air to air missile. One of their most advanced indigenous fighters is the MiG-29MU2 which can fire the new AA missile on top of air to ground missiles making it a true multi-role aircraft however they lack suffiencnt numbers. They’re going to receive the F-16 and likely the F/A-18 Hornet as well as continue to evolve their Air Force through foreign procurement and indigenous modifications as time goes on. The same can be said of their helicopters. The two that stick out the most are the Mi-2MSB and the Mi-24PU-1 (can fire the RK-2 anti-tank missile with high tandem penetration) which are enhanced, however Ukraine is weaker in the helicopter section currently. By the time this tree could become an option, significant changes and procurements are likely to have occurred throughout their military. Likely will receive more Western variations which isn’t a foreign concept as Germany and Sweden Tree’s have both East and West-inspired vehicles. However, again I appreciate the feedback. We’ll see how things go as time goes on.
This is a cool idea, but realistically, I don’t see it happening, there are many Ukrainian projects that tie into Soviet projects and it gets weird. I’d personally like to see an easier route with this and just throw them into an existing tree, perhaps they come fork the tree in some way to make it work for everyone. All the political nonsense aside please.
- “Potential compromise:
- Alter the U/I to allow for multiple-full trees in one, meaning the option to be able to select sub-nations within the USSR tree, with Soviet vehicles being able to be used fully between the different nations. Example, Soviet-era vehicles produced until 1991 can be used by Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, etc., while vehicles developed after that are broken up between the different nations depending on who developed it or if they purchased vehicles from one another. This however, isn’t that significantly different from being its own tree that relies on unlocking Rank IV for the USSR.”
- From my suggestion. In an unbiased statement, there’s a few routes it could take that could offer compromise but idk. As more Western equipment is introduced it more and more diverges away from the USSR tree, especially if Ukraine modifies the equipment to its own needs like how they took the 2A4 and added several layers of Kontact-1 or if in the future they produce several new vehicles that are significantly based on Western-designs.
I believe they would’ve introduced Ukraine into the game awhile ago but since the community is so split on a solution and events currently taking place it probably will never see the light of day, but I’m still hopeful.
For your potential compromise
- They don’t need to touch the UI, it’s fine the way it is, they just need to create forks that show separate developments. Unless you’re suggesting this format to be adopted by all nations.
And for the western equipment bit
- I don’t think them getting western tech is relevant, just look at China for example, how about the western nations receiving Soviet equipment.
I am not voting for this, at least not right now, but by the end of certain events I might think about voting yes.
It’s way too early to talk about Ukraine as a tech tree. Not in a game sense - But in real life too. We still don’t know what’s on the table for potentially one of the nastiest ground lineups in this game. Yes, by the end it will up one of the craziest top tier trees (just like Poland rn) but what’s happening right now is not seeming to end, at least so far.
Ukraine tech tree will, in the end, turn out to be by far be one of the most interesting lineup (and Poland too, perhaps) that is purely ground focused and lacks viable CAS option (given their only best heli is a Mi-24P) and has a strong ground only lineup that consists of all sorts of great SPGs, MBTs, LTs and AA systems.
The tech tree, though? Nah, it’s actually mostly copypastas :)
Again, unbiased posting for those not privy to the discussion. The “compromise” section I made needs to be updated but I think having it be a togglable option to swap between the Russian portion and Ukrainian portion would be the best compromise because it keeps them under the USSR tree but separates them enough to prevent major issues. I just don’t know where they would forks right now since the tree is pretty full even when they inevitably create Rank VIII. Where would they get placed at?
That’s true.
I have some ideas, perhaps I’ll DM you those ideas here in a few if you’d like.