Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Just like theres no incentive to grind Israel or China if you have the US lineup?

What would likely happen is a few things would probably need to be removed from the russian tree, just like Israeli stuff was removed from the US tree.

I also believe the Ukr tree does have some unique modifications thatre quite awesome, and we can add things like the Bradley ODS, Leo, Chally, Caeser, Pzh2000, AMX-10RC, Marder, CV9040 etc.

Lets be real here, there are people voting for personal reasons (other than an interest in the vehicles themselves) on both sides of the poll ;) But i agree i would be cool to see ukrainian vehicles in the game. <3


That statement is based on political perception. Keep politics out. ❌


NO. Ukraine does not have enough unique vehicles to be an independent tree. I would rather support having a Korean tree or Iranian tree over Ukraine tree. I only support adding them as a sub-tree of USSR.
Regardless of how you think, USSR is a part of Ukrainian history, and Ukraine was a part of USSR.
All of Ukrainian vehicles either are or derive from Soviet vehicles. They are just a branch of USSR tree. It is impossible to separate them from USSR.


It’s already been stated by mods that it doesn’t matter if it was part of the USSR or not.

Seeing the Israel tree, this tree has more unique vehicles and I’m going to revamp it to include many other vehicles.

If you have issues with this please review the old suggestion comments section which discusses these topics. Link can be found here:

You’re completely entitled to your own opinion on the suggestion. Thanks for the feedback.


Israel can have an idependent tech tree because at least it has its signature vehicle: Merkava series main battle tanks.
If Israel only has copy and paste Centurions and Pattons, then there is no need for that line to exist.

The most famous tank Ukraine has is T-84, and it is based on Soviet T-80 series. What’s even worse is that Ukraine cannot even build tanks any more now.
You can put a bunch of experimental tanks or vehicles that have not been mass produced in the tech tree, but they only serve as embellishments, and cannot be the backbone of a tech tree.

The problem is even worse when it comes to the air force. The mainstay fighters jets of the Ukrainian Air Force are the MiG-29 and Su-27, Ukrainians might have made some modifications, but essentially both are ex-Soviet fighters. When you add another nation to War Thunder, you cannot consider ground force alone without considering the air force, as players will have no planes or helicopters to use in their sets.


Israel’s tree is dominated by Centurions, captured Soviet-manufactured equipment, and M60/48’s. They have only a few Merkava variants.

I have considered all fronts except a blue water fleet. They have coastal craft that can cap out at the Frigate Hetman Sahaidachny, they have aircraft like Ukraine-specific MiG-29 (MiG-29MU1 or MiG-29MU2) variants with indigenous air-to-air missiles like the Gran and equipped some with air-to-surface missiles (not exclusive to this as they have other modified or built aircraft like Mi-24PU-1, Mi-2MSB, Su-27P1M, Su-25UBM1, etc. each with new loadouts). Not to mention are going to receive the F-16 and F/A-18 on top of the modifications they’ve done and will likely evolve their air force further with new Western equipment and upgrades to its existing inventory. This isn’t a foreign concept because the German tree has a focus on both East and West German equipment/technology. If you look at Israel, most of their air tree is other purchased aircraft or modifications to existing aircraft.

In terms of main battle tanks, the T-84 and its variants, especially the Oplot is significantly different than the T-80UD (which Ukraine and Pakistan are the sole users). The comparison isn’t there. If you look at the specs, they feature significant changes. Overall Ukraine developed its own modules, ERA (which is superior to Kontact-5 since they can make it themselves and just improved on it), advanced munitions/missiles, etc. for their vehicles. Also just because the vehicle is in a prototype state doesn’t mean it’s not used. Many of these vehicles are currently serving in the marines, army, or national guard so while it may not be a production vehicle, a lot of them have combat history.


But you cant be serious? They many early USSR tanks were manufactured in ukraine. Id argue ukraine has a far more interesting end game tree than Russian Fed


Okay, then make Ukrainian vehicles to be the orthodox top-tier USSR tech tree vehicles, and then make another independent Russian tree.

If youre suggesting a Combined USSR tree, and a separate Russian tree, thats an interesting Idea to say the least. It could be feasible. But it still negates Ukr and all other warsaw production post '91

An interesting vehicle from Excalibur Army in Czechia. This vehicle, the Victor, is equipped dual 14.5mm machine guns or the ZPU-2 anti-aircraft gun. A good early anti-aircraft platform for the tree. Could even be added to a Czechoslovakian or Visegrad tree.

This vehicle, along with the T-72EA also developed by Excalibur Army, have been provided to the Ukrainian Army.

The T-72EA, an upgrade to the T-72M1 that features the latest optics and support equipment.



So that sets a good precidence to where NK and even SK may end up. Someone suggested adding the K1s/K2s post US M60 line, i for one am all for that since it actually is a deadend line. Have the M60-2000 be after the TTS and then go S Korea subtree. Sorry to go off topic from this post though

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You are right, maybe we think alike, but because we are from different countries. The understanding of the case differs! But this language barrier has never prevented you from having fun in the game. Even in very very tactical games. Also with my poor knowledge of English I had a lot of fun with people from different countries

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So this is an interesting idea, then it will be necessary to start somewhere with cancer III or IV
Moreover, Ukraine also uses BTR 80
BTR-80UP-KB — KP of the battalion commander
BTR-80UP-S is a command and staff vehicle
BTR-80UP-M is a sanitary car
BTR-80UP-R is a reconnaissance vehicle
BTR-80UP-BREM is an armored repair and evacuation vehicle
BTR-80UP-T is a transport vehicle
Anti-tank and AntiAir


BTR-3е ( CPWS-30 )

BTR-3е 90мм


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New APC (Prototype)

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+1 Supported it on the old forum and I’ll support it again here. Still not quite fond of the inclusion of vehicles only developed/produced in the Ukrainian territory and not used or owned by the country of Ukraine, however.


Come on guys stop with the political drama. We literally went through this on the old forum already.

Keep focused on posting about news or modified Ukrainian vehicles as well as tree feedback.



  • A BTR-4A which is equipped with the GROM or ‘Thunder’ Combat Module. The GROM features 4x Konkurs-M anti-tank guided missiles, a 30mm 2A42 autocannon, a 30mm KBA-117 Automatic Grenade Launcher, and a KT-7.62mm Machine Gun.

  • Here is an older image of the vehicle equipped with multiple layers of camouflage.

Additional Notes:

  • Currently I’m not sure of the status of the BTR-4A’s in the Ukraine military. They were active in 2014 however, have not been seen all too much since then. They may have been refurbished with a ‘Parus’ Combat module which has newer electronics and different weapon systems which could’ve lead them to be redesignated as BTR-4E, etc. If anyone has more information on this, please do share 🫡 They are a pretty awesome looking vehicle with the color scheme and high-reaching combat module.

I must say no to a dedicated tech tree.
No navy period. Far more limited air, and extremely limited helicopters.
I’d rather drive these with other forces.

  1. So these are old photos and old modifications
    Now they use much better ones!
  2. BTR-4E and other modifications are used constantly…

BTR-4 has many targets destroyed, two T72B3 and 1 BMP-2 and several BMP-1
ONLY one car in the city of Maripol did it. Search for videos on YouTube