Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Adding more trees and removing country matching was the biggest mistake

Ukrainian M-55S with additional protection modifications in 5th Tank Brigade


I would love to see some Ukrainian tanks out on the battle field.Ukraine is my favorite country and their tanks are awesome


After hard work…

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Ukrainian T-90A with additional protection (Relikt+Kontakt 1).
Panorama image taken from the new video where this tank rescued another trophy T-90A from the mud with the help of BTS-4 recovery vehicle.


T-80BVK serving in 93rd Brigade modified with protection package from T-72B3 obr. 2016 (turret and sides) and Kontakt-1 (front).


A state of the SSSR.

Produced in the SSSR

There was no purpose in keeping them. The entire point of the T-80UD was to expedite production to other union states to increase the production rate of the vehicle itself. The engine of the T-80UD was only built in Ukraine, and the powerpack was functionally and logistically inferior to that of the GTD-1000TF and its coupled transmission.

It… It was made in the SSSR. Plain and simple.
The hulls were produced in the RFSFR, while differing variations of the turret were produced in both the RFSFSR and the U’SSR.

Nobody’s claiming homogenous tech. The entire point of the T-80UD was to produce an equal alternative to the T-80U, making use of the higher hull production capacity of the Kirov plant, while making up for the downsides and low production of the GTD series.


As far as I know they’re the same, being based on the 1985 T-80U.

Sweden gets a T-80U that’s functionally identical, and it’s a squadron vehicle. I don’t see why a premium would exclude it from any other tech tree that may come

Here’s the first unique T-80UD variant created by Ukraine, post Soviet break up :

with the welded turret, it also serves as the starting point of the T-84 program

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BTR-4 AFVs in Nigerian Army service


I wouldn’t consider the 478BE a T-80UD in its original form, though. It’s like a T-72BA to a T-90… Pretty much the exact same, save a few electronic systems.

Wasn’t the based model BE a cast turret? I thought the BE-1 was the welded turret

Well … Its official designation in Pak Army is still T-80UD
It was a modification in the original cast-turret contract though … … but I kinda get your point

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Ah, I see. I’m not too familiar with Pakistan’s modifications of it, only the cast/welded variants and object numbers. Kinda like the Aussie Leopard 1A3, it’s technically a 1A4 with the systems implemented… Though it’s still a 1A3.

I notice that you know absolutely nothing about Ukraine and about (military) equipment
I previously wrote that during the Second World War, the Kharkiv Tank Plant was destroyed
Kyiv Tankovy
Other tractor and tank factories… were evacuated

Material from Wiki

From 1928 to 1931, T-24 tanks were produced; since 1931 — light tanks of the BT series: BT-2; BT-5; BT-7; BT-7M — produced until 1940; from 1933 to 1939 — heavy tanks of the T-35 series.

In 1939, Mikhail Koshkin created the best medium tank of the Second World War, the T-34.

Before the evacuation from Kharkov to Nizhny Tagil, the plant produced a little more than 10,000 tanks of all types.

On October 13, 1943, the remnants of plants No. 183 and No. 75 united in Kharkov were assigned No. 75 by Resolution No. 19676 of the RS.

I am silent about the T-64 and long modifications, as well as the T-80
and T-55

Oh, how inconvenient “unique” tanks are “absent”
The only thing is that the USSR was one country, even in the name you can read that it is a “union” of countries.
But this is beyond the scope of the discussion.

Please read carefully about the fact that the Uralvagonzavod was built on the Powers of the Kharkiv Tank Plant, which “created” other tanks and now produces T-72 and T-90, I’m not talking about lightly armored vehicles.

So what is the “realistic” view then?

Here are my arguments, you can find all available information in open sources.

And writing about the “Polish subtree” is already rude, come on, I see you like that from the USA, so your branch will then be a sub-branch of Britain…
It will also be exactly what you wrote.

I do not want to belittle the merits of armored vehicle designers from other countries of the USSR.
But you did not study the tank history of the USSR writes about the lack of unique equipment.


Once again for opponents of the Ukrainian tree of tanks ala “repetition of the branch of the USSR”
With such success, all tanks and armored vehicles of such carinas as

  • Belgium
  • Greece
  • Denmark
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Canada
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • The United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Turkey
  • Hungary
  • France
  • Czech Republic
    shove into one tank branch and say that it belongs to one union/block.

Even when Ukraine was in the USSR, it created a lot of different tanks, light armored vehicles and other equipment. About which no one has heard, even some of the “USSR” tanks are precisely Ukrainian development.

It will also be the same, and there is no need to write again that the “same” branches, let’s remove the tanks that were created by Ukrainians and Ukraine and see what will remain

And let’s talk about marine equipment then
Built at Mykolaiv Shipyard.

There is a list of ships in Wikipedia. Here if someone wants to talk about the “Fleet”


Japan: Is it for us? ( =①ω①=)


So that’s why they’re just deciding to added the T-80UD, it’s all starting to make sense.


no clue why the T80 UD got added for URRS, for japan the T84 Oplot makes sense, but the T80 UD was just a money grab tbh

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