Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

This is the one I saw when I made my suggestion on it. Also an early variant too I think. The image below.

Give them Hibneryt’s

We gave old 266 Hibneyt^^

oh no lol

Here is a excerpt from Polish Wikipedia.
In addition, the ZSU-23-4 Biała is equipped with TNA-2 navigation equipment, ABC weapon protection, fire protection device and ventilation system. Biała is equipped with an optoelectronic Fire Control System (SKO) with an automatic target tracking system during the day and at night (the operation of the FCS is undetectable to the enemy), additionally, to double the firepower, it is equipped with a set of Grom anti-aircraft missiles, the effective range of which is about 5500 meters.

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And when you’re facing off against air or ground targets, you can shower them in 23x152mm FAPDS-T (definitely anti-air) or APDS-T (good against side armor and light targets) MESKO rounds that have a higher velocity and range that will shred anything. The rounds have extended ranges, effective range of 3,000m. I believe the standard BZT (API-T) rounds are like 2,000-2,500m but that might just be max range rather than effective range.


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so a good max range as well just with effectiveness dropping after 3km

I’m pretty sure the 3k is effective range, idk the max range.

I mean it’s still good for a 23mm regardless

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Exactly. It will be a very nice addition and with the FAPDS-T, high RoF (combined with 2,000rds) and thermals, it will make also a good anti-missile platform if you’re being targeted by helicopters and some jet surface-to-ground missiles.

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my comment was also deleted…

I just gave it a +1 for Ukraine to be represented in the game, although I gave my opinion on how I would like it to be done and lastly, I congratulated Yontzee.

Is the person who moderates this suggestion trying to harm it? It would be unacceptable, considering the whole “issue.”


I don’t think so, many removed comments were arguments or not very productive discussions about users
Gaijin has been better at being impartial, and we should be thankful for that. I don’t think any behind the scenes messing is going on!


SupaCat based AIM-132 ASRAAM launcher somewhere in Ukraine


Missing the 9K37-M1 Buk and 9K37-M1 Buk (RIM-7) “Franken-SAM”

9K37 M-1 Buk

“Franken-SAM” version (The Ukraine needed Air Defense from the US and the US responded by throwing together this, while giving it the Project name for making these things, Project “Franken-SAM”.)


Well… my comment is not there

He had even said that he was only against the Western vehicles that arrived after the conflict began. But now that I remember, I think he might make an exception for this one.



It looks cool and unique

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I want Ukrainian AB-13 in Britain tech tree.


I want to see it.
Can someone suggest it?

Exact characteristics are yet unknown, so i think it’s not the best idea to propose such thing

Looks like it uses a turret similar to the BMD 3 and a gun that looks like the 2A72 30 mm

They’re talking about the SupaCat with ASRAAM which I believe was specially made for Ukraine

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