Type 69 II G sucks

Thanks gajing for scamming people to buy this tank when it was 8.7 than put it at 9.0 right after the sales making it the most useless piece of crap in the chinese tech tree.


bro we have another trush in China TT called 69II A

I have it, still better than the G

It was awesome tank at 8.3, way too OP i would say, at 8.7 it was ok, now at 9.0 its pure suffering and they also nerfed the engine on it so its slower than it was.


Thank god, the tank is indeed bad so it’s not me. Miles behind other 9.0 like the OF-40 and Tam. Didn’t know the nerfed the engine as well, that was really the cherry on top. Also let’s not forget that it was able to search the whole tree and now is no longer able to, another scam for who purchased it. Wish I got the ztz instead.

I grinded my chinese tree with the 8.3 lineup when it existed. The T-62,T-69 IIG, and T-69 IIa.

This thing was a menace at 8.3. It was almost impossible destroy it from the front with 7.7 HEAT FS or APDS rounds

This tank can receive a mobility buff. I was planning to make a bug report on its transmission

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Problem is even with a mobility buff it would be still garbage at this br.

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Well that’s true but gaijin cant lower its BR as well. We’ll have to wait till BR decompression