Troubleshooting weird image lag

For the last couple of weeks i have been trying to narrow down the cause of lag im experiencing when playing Air SB, EC. To keep this concise i will list what ive ruled out(as far as i know, i could of course be wrong).

  • Not correlated with low fps, fps drops/spikes, ping, PL, insufficient RAM /VRAM, cpu/gpu thermals.

  • I have updated drivers, verified files, tried compatibility mode and running the game in all graphics settings. Also turned off any 3rd party overlays.

So ive tried the usual things you do when your game is lagging, but couldnt figure it out since it only happend sometimes. But today i found out how to replicate! And this is where things gets a bit weird and i dont really know what to make of it.

Its kinda subtle but god is it annoying. I dont even know how to describe it? Is it frameskipping? never seen it before.

This only happens in Air simulator battles EC. It only happens after about an hour into the game. And listen to this, it doesnt matter how long i have been playing for. If i join a game that has already been playing for an hour, my game lags. If i join a game at the start and play for an hour, my game lags. If i reboot and join the same game again, still lagging. And everytime i join a “new” game, ie from the beginning, no lag.

Any help would be appreciated <3


I had the same problem
not only in air battles but everywhere even in test mode
it’s now fixed by forcing Nvidia low reflex latency in the Nvidia control panel
It still grayed out on the WT graphics panel but no more lag on the edges of the screen


Your problem is completely different! This only happens in sim battles when the server reaches the “Time left 1hr 49:59 min” mark! Which is 1hr and 10 minutes into the game!

I have noticed, very rarely , that sometimes it begins at the “Time left 1hr 52 min” mark

Fps solid 144 , ping solid 70 and no packet loss!

How long have you guys been in the match, and what graphics settings are you running?

I’d hazard a guess that some buffer on your client has filled up. Whilst the timing on the match is the same, it may not necessarily mean it’s the server itself doing this.

What is it doing even? I can’t tell from the video very well at all.

  1. Doesnt matter what graphic settings. Ive tried every combo you can think of…

  2. Doesnt matter how long I’ve been in the match.

A. If I start a match that has just began, I can play a full 1hr and 10 minutes… Smooth gameplay…

B. If i enter a match that has been up for 1hr and 9 minutes, the lag begins 1 minute later.

C. If I enter a match that has been up for 1hr and 10 minutes, lag is there right away…

Whats it look like?

Sorry, I don’t know how to edit post!

Here is another example… There are many videos on this topic!