Hi I got stuck trying to transfer to the CIS region and I was wondering if someone could help me switch back to Global please, the reason for transfer was I was complaining to someone through a discord server about prices and they tried helping me but halfway through the process I got sketched out and realized if I go farther into this the worse it gets especially regarding my account. I’m from Canada as you’ll be able to tell just please help me get back into my normal region.
P.S. I appreciate any help I just want to play with my best friend again on War Thunder
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You change the location of where you queue in the client under the ‘to battle’ button, in the dropdown under it is the server locations tickboxes.
You’ll want to select the NA region.
If you’ve done anything else involving your password and account name and submitting it anywhere else, I’d be making sure my email and game account are all secure.
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Thats not what I mean, I transferred over to the CIS launcher, everything uses a different currency that I cannot use and such. I need to be switched over to the Global launcher
You’re more than likely gonna need support then.
How did you even get switched, logically there’d be some reverse method if it was that easy.
(I’m just passing you to support because I have no idea about this at all, and it’s related to your account.)
More info here: https://migration.warthunder.com/
“technically difficult to do. So please do not switch to a regional account just to try. You will be able to contact technical support to consider the issue of returning to an international client only in the event of a physical move and a change in the region of residence”
I’ve already tried to no response by them
Give them a bit, they do take a while at the best of times.
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Just FYI if you do contact support, just bare in mind that when you bump the ticket, it goes to the back of the queue.