Transfer of console-created accounts now available (suspended)

i think they will post in here im not sure tho

If they do what they did last time they will just create a new topic in the forums for it. This one most likely wont be updated.
There will not be any announcement on any other method, all they will do is create a topic in the forums and if you arent paying attention then the topic will get buried under all the other new ones that get created.

Also according to the devs they dont have any plans to offer the transfer service again.

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well that sucks
thanks for answer tho

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No problem.
Its the least I can do since I was one of the ones who pissed off the dev into not responding here anymore.

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Just a heads-up to everyone here wanting their accounts to be transferred: There is still a very large backlog of accounts being transferred right now as we speak. Gaijin employs several employees that have to communicate with every person individually on the website.

In my squadron there has just been another player that was contacted by Gaijin to have their account transferred. I presume they are still not done with the extremely large amount of players that requested it last year.

Just be patient and be here quickly again when it opens.

P.S.: Technically Gaijin doesn’t even need to supply this service to its players. It is not in the interest of Sony or Microsoft to allow these transfers in the first place, as that would diminish the cut they get from sales, and as such make it far more difficult for Gaijin to let it take place.


Its in the interest of Gaijin to transfer accounts, if the console companies wanted people to stay they couldve worked with Gaijin to offer a better cross platform experience but they chose not to.

Most of that communication involves getting the person to do what Gaijin has already told them to do with the directions of how and what transfers, then of course giving them their new login. As was already discussed earlier in this forum most of the communication would be unnecessary if people would follow directions.
Gaijin chooses to drag this process out and make it as difficult as they possibly can.
All this process entails is copying save data (that Gaijin already has) while rezeroing certain bits of the data (to make the console companies happy).
With as many freelance people out there that have made save editor programs, you cant honestly expect anyone to believe that Gaijin cant do something similar for their own purposes.
Or if they insist on keeping this process the way it is now (A “Joe” copying data manually), just simply hiring a few more people.

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Yooo respect AgentGibbs4351 for keeping this thread alive! I started to loose hope…

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The transfer work will be unavailable forever?They even don’t give us a exact date and just told us “wait” .

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When will it be available again? I’m going crazy

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Correct. We have to wait. as someone said previously

they are still working on their previous transfer load so it will be some time. but if we are patient and stop bothering them they may be able to transfer them quicker and will most likely be more willing to open this process back up. So, be patient :)

Since Gaijin wont do us the curtesy of any decent announcement when the transfer services start up again I may as well try to keep this topic active so Gaijin cant say there isnt an interest in the service…

Im out of patience. Ive been “waiting patiently” on this service for years. but due to me not having alot of time to dig through the forums in order to find the announcement post when services last were active Ive always missed out.
The only reason I have even kept my xbox is because of WT.

Is it really so much to ask of Gaijin to announce the resumption of transfer services normally?


yep thats it
all weve got


everyone that is still waiting like me we are all geting annoyed so my thought is we review bomb will that get us it back propably not but will get some where and gaijin will probably hurry up also every stream on any platform spam that we want transfers if you dont wanna join idc also if possible post on social media tho this is just a suggestion


Its one year later and it’s still suspendet… When you will revive this?


When will the transfer process be unsuspended?

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Probably never lol at this rate.

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we dont know

From a Dev itself, and no they dont care to warn us ahead of time.

You guys need a disclaimer specifying that if you don’t respond in four days your ticket will be automatically marked solved. I put in for transfer on time and followed all instructions perfectly and I was blown off by support when I begged them to reopen. This was after I had already consented to initiate the transfer when asked by support. Seeing my ticket marked solved on activities has been like salt to a wound.

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Unfortunately they dont care.
The devs act like Gaijin doesnt get anything from this service and thus they dont want to do it.

If things were more clear upfront about the transfers being so “difficult” I doubt most people would even bother linking their accounts to begin with.