The missiles lose a lot of speed, have a low tnt filler (600g/4m trigger radius) and can’t track dodging planes. Comparing it to the french Roland 3 at 9.7 makes it obvious this AA is overtiered. The Roland 3 has the same range but also a 6m trigger radius and more than 6kg of tnt filler.
Against planes the missiles won’t be accurate enough to even get a good hit and against helicopters and drones the tnt filler is too low to inflict critical damage.
The UK already has 3 AAs at 10.3 and 1 at 10.0. What they need is an AA between 8.3 and 10.0 and this would be a good start to fill the gap.
In short: The Rapier should move down to 9.3 or 9.7.
i would also like it to get moved down as currently it has no use in line ups
What BR would you put it at?
well at 9.7 it would still not have much of a lineup to put it in but at 9.3 it would make a very nice AA that adds to the 9.3 line up that only lacks and AA atm
Top speed and G pull would be a nice upgrade but sadly they aren’t the problem. The missile suffers from the SACLOS nerf of 2023 and overcorrects far too much like the other mouse guided AA missiles. The tnt filler is also a huge issue considering it will face the Su-25 and A-10 a lot.
I think @DevilO6 has bug reports in for that
I’m doubtful they’ll actually change it. The OSA was the only one that didn’t under/overcorrect as much but no other AA got it’s missile physics changed.
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