Track RP Progression towards Ace Qualification prior to the purchasing of Expert qualification

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Good Time of Day Everyone,

I am proposing that all research points earned by a given vehicle, begin counting toward the Ace qualification from the moment you purchase and begin using the vehicle. Secondly and possibly somewhat greedily, I propose user accounts be grandfathered into the system such that vehicles that were previously ineligible with RP accumulated prior to purchase of the Expert qualification be granted that RP towards their current progression if the Expert qualification has since been purchased.

As I understand it, the Research Points earned towards obtaining an ‘Ace’ crew qualification are only counted after Expert qualification has been purchased for silver lions. Generally, the cost to purchase the Expert qualification is roughly the same as the price to purchase the vehicle in my experience (which is largely ground vehicles, so this may be inaccurate for ships and high tier jets). Additionally, there is the minimum level requirement, a condition that must be met before the qualification can be purchased.

As far as progression goes, many users are ignorant to the process of crew skills, crew qualifications and management of lineups. Additionally, as battle ratings for vehicles change, some lineups no longer function (less of an issue for Air RB). Which means alternative crews will need to have expert training purchases in order to fit into the most effective or in some cases, the only viable lineup.

As it stands, many players are punished in that considerable portions of RP are not counted toward the Ace qualification, example situations as follows:

  • Players being ignorant of the crew skill system and the impact it has on vehicle performance;
  • Players not efficiently allocating crew skills to manage level progression with vehicle progression (an abstract concept not clearly explained in game);
  • Players being ignorant of the crew Qualifications feature, and the impact it has on crew performance and therefor not appropriately preparing vehicle lineups and purchases.

At lower battle ratings, this is a non-issue however due to some of the more abstract elements of the game progression being somewhat obscure, many players who have invested considerable time into the game have squandered considerable sums of research points and silver lions re-allocating crews qualifications. As I understand it, the developers as part of their roadmap have already begun to seriously consider and implement features to make the allocation of crews simpler, and easier to understand and use in game. I’m working on the assumption that crew/vehicle RP gain is information that is already tracked and stored, I can view in my service record the total number of RP and SL that has been accumulated by that vehicle and It would stand to reason that boosters and bonuses are inclusive of that information, the total RP and SL anyway. I am also proposing that the RP gained by players that was previously ineligible towards the Ace qualification also be provided to existing players in a grandfathering system. I am already aware that as camouflage point requirements change, camouflages are then awarded to players who have already met the changed requirements.

I would think that this request for a change to the system, fits fairly and reasonably into the stated aims of the developers regarding the current views on player progression within the game.

I have intentionally avoided the topic of purchasing accelerating crew training via golden eagles and purchasing the Ace qualification via golden eagles. My thoughts on the topic are personal and anecdotal, however I have been playing since the third year of war thunder and have enjoyed the game while I was ignorant of the crew skills, once I was no longer ignorant of crew skills, and I am currently enjoying the game. I don’t take issue with this particular part of the War Thunder monetisation and don’t begrudge the purchasing of these skills and qualifications via golden eagles, your mileage may vary.

In conclusion, I would hope that the community and developers consider the proposed inclusion of previously ineligible RP progression toward the Ace qualification of crews and I invite the community to help flesh out the implementation in the comments. I am aware that there are more details which would need to be ironed out, specifically vehicle RP gain that may have been accumulated by use in more than one crew slot, and how that would impact players should this move forward.

Kind Regards,


I don’t see this as an “issue”. At most the thing that should change is that “expert” qual should be earnable/have cost reduced by playing the vehicle instead of just purchased by SL similar to “ace” not that there is much issue with that.
Now i expert all my crews and ace/maxed crews in some of my most used lineups so experience varies but reaching “ace” never seemed to take long and crew RP gain is generous in my experience to the point of rendering this a non-issue.

I agree that it’s not an Issue up until a certain BR/Rank.

At 4.0 my T-34 requires 220 000RP earned in battle to Ace
At 9.3 my T-64A requires 950,000RP earned in battle to Ace

Admittedly I’m struggling at the moment getting used to top tier again, so it’s very slow going for me at the moment. However, I don’t think the SL and RP rewards scale that well compared to the increase in cost.

P.S. Edit - And this is a very ‘me’ problem, due to the Expert Qualification being the pre-requisite for ACE RP accumulation. I tend not to play vehicles until I can afford to purchase the Expert Qualification. So I have a number of lineups researched and purchased that I don’t play because I haven’t accumulated enough SL. I know players who are succesful will accumulate more SL and RP that the average player and the time investment will be lower and more manageable. I’m just looking to get assistance for players so they can play their un-experted vechicles guilt free knowing that they’re still accumulating RP while saving up to expert the vehicle.