How the 2B currently works is as a single HEAT warhead with about 100mm of penetration, which is completely inaccurate when compared to reality, I have 3 key points on how it can be changed for the better.
2nd: The warhead currently has 100mm of penetration, which is physically impossible for an EFP, which in reality is 127mm. The difference is due to the size of the warhead which is 127mm.
3rd: The TOW-2B utilizes 2 warheads, not just one. So even if the era on modern russian tanks stops the first one theres a second coming to kill them.
This is my first post so if theres any issues feel free to tell me.
I do agree that they will not hit the same spot but it still believe that this be a big improvement on the 2B, even if them hitting two separate areas is modeled in the game.
That’s not what tandem means in the case of the TOW 2B, it has two EFP warheads in one missile at offset angles to increase the likelyhood/amount of damage done
There’s evidence that it’s also possible for an EFP to penetrate more than the diameter of the warhead, up to ~210% the diameter. So 100mm is likely the lowest possible estimate that still obeys the laws of physics. Anything less and the missile is literally fantasy, while increasing penetration (of the 127mm tantalum lined EFP) to a maximum of ~250mm is indeed more than possible in reality.