Tornados Ids bugs. Nerfs. useless 11.0

Tornado IDS is useless, avoid it. The premium version is a SCAM, its litteraly giving money to someone beating you

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The Premium version coming only with dumb bombs while retaining the same BR as the others Tornados is kind wack.

that is wrong, the other tornados with guided ones are 11.3, that one is 11.0

and fingers crossed, they’ll all get an ARB BR of 11.0 in June

So the other tornado, MFG has the useless anti ship missile, it’s already more than the Premium one.

It depends on where you are using it.

Tornado Gr1
Tornado ASSTA1
Tornado IDS

are only at 11.3 because of their T-Pods and guided weapons. Remove them and they are identical to the WTD61. The MFG does have the ASMs, which are only really usable in ASB. Outside of that. Its identical to the WTD61 as well.

The extra 0.3 BR comes from those guided weapons. Though in June we are getting seperate BRs for aircraft for ARB and GRB.

This not only means the 3 TT Tornados can join the WTD61 and MFG at 11.0 in ARB. But it does also mean that the WTD61 and MFG can go down lower in GRB, where they may be more effective (maybe as low as 10.3). They currently cant go any lower than 11.0 due to their theoretical A2A performance with high speed and 2x 9Ls in ARB.

When you also factor in the Split CMs might mean we will finally get the Full CM count in the BOZ pods. Which should mean we have 56 flares and 1200 chaff. The Tornado could suddenly have a notable edge in some situations.

Im also hoping that the Tornados do get some TLC at the same time. Completed Flight Model, maybe some extra A2G stuff and maybe finally some part of their radar.

I think its worth re-evaluating in June what the Tornados are like then. Im personally kinda excited. (though if nothing changes, I’ll be right there along side you guys with a sharpened pitch-fork)


My problem with that is that the BR has no much use for chaff. It will help but i don’t think the difference will be that big.

But what can be added? JDAM? Maybe Taurus/Storm Shadow? Brimstone for GR4? I’m not that good with research so i really don’t know what else can be added besides those options.

That br range actualy has a good use of chaff, u will be invincible against sparrows and r27s. Additionaly the flare amount increases as well and will be way more manageable

German tornados can get Hope glide bombs as well. The standard tornado mw1 cluster dispensers if you like those

Most SPAA in GRB above 8.0 has radar. And a lot has SARH at 11.0 ish

The main weapon system that comes to mind in CBUs.

Yeah this is the key as well, you are doubling your Flare count without sacrificing the ability to take any chaff

A read somewhere in the old forum that we are not seeing mw1 (or any cluster of bombs) for some time because of the limitation in the game engine. It would be really nice to do low passes on enemy spawns (where SPAAs tend to stay) and dropping loads of little bomblets tho.

That might be true, or not. Im always having more problems with the IRs than the r27s because i usually hug the deck while doing bomb runs.

There are concerns that the servers would die from CBUs.

They can already be a little funny with the really large bomb loads and mass firing AAA on some ships.

But I think they need to upgrade the servers anyway

I was playing Enduring Confrontation a few weeks ago, the Hamster really don’t like a lot of ships shooting AAA at the same time.

Yeah, now imagine this:

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Always loved the name “The Forbidden Popcorn dispenser”

Yeah, its a good name

Bot how would the MW1 work in game? We don’t have use for the runway bomblets, and people would freak out if Gaijin added mines into the game. So the only thing that could be used is the ammo that works vs light vehicles? Some use but not a lot i guess.

I dont know much about the different types of bomblets the MW-1 could use. Its possible it used something that would be semi-effective.

The British Tornado is in a trickier position with the JP233, because those are basically only useful against runways.

But the regular CBU bombs though are designed for dealing with tanks. In fact they were the prefer anti-tank weapon:


Tornado Gr1 prefered weapons

Im not sure what other options are also available for the German Tornados (Especially the WTD61) outside of CBUs. but there are plenty of buffs the Tornados could get. Especially their radars. Whilst it wont suddenly transform the aircraft. It might be useful in niche ways. Im hoping you’ll be able to use the radar to pick a target on the map essentially and then use CCRP to attack it. Allowing you to “loft” bombs from quite far away.

Edit: Maybe HARM actually, would add some niche but effective anti-radar capabilities

Well, with the new ground targets that Olivia leaked we might see it sooner than later.