Tornado GR.4: Tenacious Tonka

I still assume that by the time APS becomes widespread, there will be another set of SPAA at the top ranks, much more dangerous for aviation and more capable of self-defense.

its same old joke again and again… when will gaijin learn… this is getting toxic

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Regarding this, I would like to make a suggestion which, thus far, has been widely agreed upon: I would like to ask you to consider this potential middle-ground solution!


I think it’s just an issue of “You can take the Gaijin out of Russia but you can’t take the Russian out of Gaijin”.

There is no war in Ba Sing Se, after all.


“For a few reasons”. What is the reason? Is it because of the impact on Russia’s Top RB to wantonly slaughter other countries’ vehicles? And when to give LOAL mode and other NATO countries fire-and-forget ammunition?


why did i think of you instantly when i came across this lol

Ahhh yes. Then go ahead and add the Su-34 with Kh-29 and targeting pods… idk about the Kh-38 on it

It is funny to see that they intend to give you the Hellfire 114L missile and its main user is the APACHE 64 LONGBOW which came update 1.97 “Viking Fury” was introduced on March 16, 2020. AND IT STILL DOES NOT HAVE ANY FIRE AND FORGET MISSILE LIKE OTHERS THAT DO.


when will the US get the jeep?

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Gotta love a Tonka, a tad shame about the Brimstones though, but everything else is looking good, but definetly room for improvements

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The Russian mains would have been in shambles if the Brimstone was accurate


You NEED to revise your implementation of the Brimestone. Also please revise the implementation of the AGM-114L. I get not adding LOAL given the ability to spawn camp with such a weapon. However not giving it Fire and Forget as a feature at the veyy try least is cruel. You’ve given it to many other nations already, such as USA with the AGM-65, Israel with the Spike-LR2/ER, and Russian AGMs (whose names I can’t remember) as well.

Revise this.


Fire and Brimstone is an amazing update name ngl, though only one aircraft getting Brimstones kinda dampens the cool factor

Yeah, though not a huge amount else in game can use them. Heck, I dont think anything else can currently except maybe Gripen C?

Also, is the Sniper XR on par with the litening III?

Buff all other spaa. Don’t nerf the only decent top tier spaa.

It’s not like the pantsir is something that’s impossible to dodge either.


As a Britain main I’m genuinely disappointed by another tonka.

There’s so many other awesome planes (Vulcan anyone?) you could add to Britain but no we get another meh tonka

Nah, just remove it. If you can’t give other nations comparable options and thus balance top tier SPAA, then the game doesn’t need it whatsoever.


More of this! :)
It would actually be really nice to get the reasoning in such cases like these where ever possible (even with already implemented vehicles).

Whether we like the answer or not doesn’t matter as long as players get a concrete answer. It hinders speculation and blame being tossed around, causing irritation and heated messages to be more frequent.
(and in this specific case i personally absolutely agree with the assessment, CAS being an already touchy subject, LOAL ARH would currently create such a massive imbalance between ground and air that it’s not even funny).


Well, at least 1 reason to unlock British bomber line :)