Tornado GR.4: Tenacious Tonka

Even for 12.0, remember it has HMD, with 9M that is basically 2 free kills, and then same BR there is JH7A which has 2 pythons and no HMD, although more manoeuvrable, it is slower by some extent.

12.0 Max, at least for air

Its just a Tornado WTD61 (11.3) with IRCCM missiles, HMD and MAWS. A2G is irrelevant for air modes. (its already impossible for them to justify them at 11.7 in air modes)

I’d put it on par with the Mirage F-1C-200 in all gamemodes, if not slightly weaker.

Hoping it gets BOL though for a big boost to CM count


Wait what? Then why is the Pantsir allowed to exist? At least give give us ARMs, that or just remove the Pantsir.


No ARB, not GRB lol. Every thing you mentioned doesn’t stop it from gaining kills from powerless (some cases even flareless) opponents.



bongs creaming themselves already. Brimstones will be interesting to see how they will perform in game

Like a hellfire but youll have wait longer


Yeah, I mean even if they give it won’t be great, cause NATO nations pretty much gave up of air defence between short range SAM and mid range ones.

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panstir can still shoot the missiles,its not without any counter

I’m so happy right now.


Is this the latest variant? Isn’t it supposed to have both mmw radar and a laser seeker?


Better though, no wobbling and more manoeuvrable (likely).

Only russian can have such imbalance in their favour


Dual mode Brimstone and Brimstone 2, both feature ARH and SAL. But it will be SAL only in game for balance reasons.

Read the thing in whole, they said they can’t let someone fly over the battle field and dump them without lock.

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At last, we got the FnF weapon!..Wait, it’s not FnF? Don’t kid me :(

Even better when the Brits receive the JP233 and the Swedes get their BK-90

Yes please!

Oh, I don’t think this will be that good then oof

“We don’t want to add anything with no counter” is such a wack statement though. The issue with the Panstir has existed ever since it was added and we still haven’t seen any effective counter get added.

If you can’t give other nations an equal, or ARMs to at least have a chance, then remove the Panstir and give Russia something else.