Tor for the Russian tech tree? Poll

Honestly for all nations to get a new SPAAG the soviets are the lowest on the list for its necessity

But one of the easiest to be implemented currently as it’s already modelled in game, plus is sets a precedent to gaijin that players want more SPAA options by simply asking for this as an easy addition.

Tbf Gaijin knows we want SPAA, they just prefer CAS, they’re also supposedly experimenting with MCAAs as per the post however long ago it was

I agree its cheap and easy for gaijin. however I can see them being a little more hesitant to copy SPAA more often now as brit mains such as myself kicked up a huge stink because two of our most recent SPAA additions were soviet tech C&P at the same BR as each other.

Everyone also gets mad whenever ussr gets another spaa anyway as everyone else doesn’t have close to the options commie mains get. and they favour CAS over SPAA heavily so we have to have a very low bar of expectation

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Doesn’t hurt to simply remind they like… Hey see this Russian AA? Can we like have it now? It’ll sit perfectly between these 2 vehicles, until they get their act together with whatever they’re planning this can easily be implemented and personally i don’t think it’s unfair to ask considering the OSA and Strela have been shared amongst other nations.

Yeh I’d entirely see your point with the copy and paste but in essence it’s primarily a Russian vehicle, it’s pretty confusing that it wasn’t already in the Russian tech tree before being added to China, you’d think that when gaijin adds copy paste vehicles they’d allow it to be exclusive to the primary nation first for some time before copying it’s export variant to other nations?

I agree its surprising that its not already in the USSR tree. Export vehicles should have a variant in the native tree by default (gaijin where is Vickers E for brit tree)


Vickers valiant too please, still Rapier system, Stormer AD have been added Two things i waited ages for and didn’t expect to ever see so the UK has finally received some much needed Spaa love, this is simply a request to add an easily implemented anti CAS system which i personally think is long overdue.

OO id love a V bomber. Rapier looks promising even if its slightly too high for it to have any reason to play it over stormer AD or OSA, if it was 9.7 it would have had a real reason to have been added other than us all begging for it for ages. The stormer AD missiles hardly work. Its a shame as I love anything CVR related.

Its a shame a substantial amount of our SPAA love has been C&P slop as of late. we still have a major SPAA gap from 5.3 to 8.3 which really needs to be rectified.

Welp I’ve never understood why to stormer AD is 10.0 when the gerpard in 9.7 whilst being better in almost every way, if the rapier stays at 10.0 i could definitely use it with the Stormer AD, Desert warrior and the new fv4030 chieftain.

If a vehicle is undertiered in a nation like Germany or America its usually because of player skill issue.

the DW sucks and the FV4030 is 9.7 which is where I was anticipating rapier to be placed, its more primative than its counterparts at 10.0 and 10.3 and the lower BR needs an SPAA infinitely more

I don’t see why the Stormer AD can’t go down to 9.7 and the rapier go to 10.0.

Stormer AD has non funtional missiles so would make sense for it to be lower. I think its only as high because it has the utility from having the gatling gun

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I think they thought I’d be a LAV-AD 2.0… However it’s lacking the mobility and hydra missiles for anti armour situations. At 9.7 it at least fills a BR bracket there. The Rapiers BR isn’t exactly finalised yet anyway so could change to something like 10.7 if all it’s bug reports get actioned. Just like the Tor the Spaa the better imo.

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Out of all platforms to be missing mobility a CVRT derivative is quite silly

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Well it’s a russian vehicle, it can be added easily.


That’s another subject entirely.

Agreed. best not start on that or ill rant about how gimped scimitar is.

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@Smin1080p_WT Sorry to ping but is there any plans from the dev’s in future to add the Tor to Russia to fill the Br gap considering the rate high tier CAS is going, it’d at least bolster the Ground additions this update ?