
已被临时禁言。处罚时间15天(剩余时间14天) 原因:其他
管理员留言:Discussion of cheating and hacking. Any attempt to promote malware or potentially dangerous software ( this action may be retrospective )
问题是,证据呢,我在哪里讨论的作弊和网络攻击,推广了什么恶意软件和危险软件(管理员这里指的应该是游戏外挂程序 和脚本),但本人郑重承诺未使用过任何外挂和脚本,更不存在推广行为。

be happy it is only a temporary ban, as you might know, Gaijin does not disclose its evidence so it is useless to ask for it.

If you want to go the route of “Is this how you treat people that pay you?” I can say from this community: that it is better to have a game without cheaters or suspected cheaters. The way you talk and assume superiority already makes me feel Gaijin made the right decision.