I could try to get some source from google, but I am not live in mainland china so maynot have much help
I get a pdf call 世界航空发动机手册 1996 version publish by 航空工业出版社, maybe useful
If that does not get you into any trouble, you could attach these to the bug report I made and in the comment quote (if possible, also translate to english) part that states WP-5A thrust. Unfortunately for me, I have to use Chat-GPT to translate chinese. Maybe one day I will learn this beautiful language.
the manual is too big (12.9MB), I can’t upload it here or in your report
I think you only need title page and page with the relevant data to be included in a bug report + reference number (like ISBN) if applicable.
我认为您只需要标题页和包含相关数据的页面用于错误报告 + 参考编号(如适用,ISBN)。