Top tier Russia air?

Yeah yeah let down BR all Russians and Chinese top jet and let them fight German Phantom every match since they suffering too much

Happened long before mig-29 guess what behind the reason why Mig-23 are meta before F-14?
And R-27ER are above all fox-1 missile every nation had at the time

Just after Gripen guess how long they stuck with JA-37D?

They’re fine in top tier. Certainly no the best but I’d say they’re about average.

True but the true strength of the Su-27SM is its versatility. Pretty much in most scenarios its good since it can carry the R-73, R-77, R-27ER, and R-27ET. All of which I use in a real match.

You could try out the MiG-29SMT, it has the Yak-141’s radar and it can carry the R-77/R-27ER/R-27ET. Only drawback is that it can only carry 6 missiles and its kind of a brick. Personally I believe the radar is bad but its not unusable, it can work.

When they buff the R-77 to its correct drag profile maybe.

Complaining about the R-27ER when multipathing basically made it useless = major skill issue

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I mean multipathing is still a viable tactic, definitely reduced but 60m is still a lot. Does this mean all radar missiles suck ass right now because multipathing makes them useless?

Name fox 1 that better than ER when i said “better than other Fox1” it not complaining
Unless you don’t understand english very well
I really don’t give a single cent that multipath made it useless or not because all other fox1 also effects by that not just ER

Eh not really, the problem with 60m multipath is when you have tall trees (like some trees are 40-50m tall for some odd reason) and obstacles, making it extremely difficult and dangerous to even try to multipath effectively (especially since tree hitboxes are so inconsistent). This wasn’t as bad an issue when multipath was 100m back then as there was a lot more leeway against tall trees.

Tbh to compare R27ER with 100m multipath vs Aim120 with 60m multipath really shows that the R27ER was really easy to evade due to the higher multipath, while the Aim120 is the opposite due to the multipath being lowered by 40%.

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Personally I think radar missiles were still very good even with 100m multipath. Especially if you don’t engage in furballs.

You mean radar missiles in general. All radar missiles benefited from multipath reduction.

Those trees in game must be million of years old to be that tall

Its a bug but I’m pretty sure it was fixed.

Its not a 60m multipath though, it starts at 60 but the effect isnt total until 40m if im recalling correctly and that kinda how it feels in game.

I’ve been playing a lot against f4s recently grinding and I have to be literally hugging the ground to multipath them, if there are any trees or building etc its just impossible.

How many major tournaments has the MiG-29 won?
How many major tournaments has the Gripen won?
Which one has more?

So I’ll just cut to the chase. The MiG-29 was the best plane for the first air superiority tournament. This is when the F-16A had the G limiter on it and before the MiG-29 flight model was nerfed.

In more recent 4v4 tournaments there has been some play from the Su-27 but it was not dominant by any means. Also there are planes that are outright banned in a tournament setting.

The reason the Gripen has no major tournament wins is because it was banned from the start. The plane was considered too overpowered for a tournament setting.

Not only was it considered too overpowered for a team vs team setting…it was also overpowered in the 1v1 setting. The only other plane to my knowledge that was banned from mixed 1v1s from the start was the F-16A Blk 10. Eventually the Mirage 2000 and the Yak-141 were banned as well.

Guess what two planes were dominant in mixed 1v1 TSS? F-16ADF and F-15A. They were so dominant that Gaijin has basically shit canned the concept and introduced symmetric 1v1s for top tier jets because nothing else is competitive.

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It’s just mid.

A guy stated this.
In the current meta for the big 3:

  • The US got a UFO’s FM + excellent RADAR + well rounded Fox 3
  • The German got a trash plane + excellent RADAR + well rounded Fox 3
  • The USSR got a trash plane + BS RADAR + R-60MK on Vodka.

Many claim Mig-29 dominate but forget the F-16 running around with UFO’s FM.
Many claim R-27ER dominate but forget that before Su-27, max 2 x R-27ER, Su-27 shined a little bit but after just 1 update, that’s gone.
Some not even realize that Mig-29G is better then Mig-29SMT since SMT’s FM butchered.
And after the 2 latest wing break update (the wing’s endurance now better), F-15 now has a more stupid FM then even the F-16.

R-77’s model also wrong since right now they can’t model the fins of R-77 (which is it’s unique charistic) .

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Because we have so many in the first place

Still overall what you are saying is completly irrelevant. This doesnt change the fact that the mig29 was very strong and meta relevant for a very long time.

Ussr never was truely bad meta wise.
The time between air superiority and now if we , realy is a short while.
Why would the USSR always need to be under the top 3 nations for the air?
Its a time where meta shifted in favours of other nations for once just deal with it

We said that the mig29 completly dominated for 2-3 updates yes and that is the truth.
The fewest say the mig29 is dominating right now.

Thats because the SMT was better.
The SMT was the better bvr fighter with the better radar and useable as a multirole plane with cas ability which is not the case for the mig29g.
The G was only the better dogfighter. It realy ends up at preference. It sounds more like you didnt play the smt to its strengths.

There are major tournaments quite frequently…especially with how aggressively War Thunder has been promoting E-sports. I am pretty sure there have been at least 3 Air Superiority tournaments that were actively covered and promoted on Twitch.

The last time that the MiG-29 was strong was a year ago before the F-16C was introduced and the flight model was changed. So it was relevant from the Apex Predators to Sons Of Atilla update…so it was relevant from December 2022 to September 2023. It had a 9 month long period where it was the best plane in the game…and even at the time when it was the best plane…the F-16A still had advantages that it could use.

During the period where the MiG-29 was relevant…the F-16A was only hampered by the G limiter…which meant that it would still win any kind of prolonged dogfight. On top of that it had a better IR missile in the form of the Aim-9L. And the range advantage of the R-27ER was much easier to negate with multipathing set at 100 meters. The only thing that held the F-16 back at the time was the gimmicky g-limiter; without the limiter the F-16A would have been dominant in the dogfight from the first turn.

Air Superiority patch was 9 months ago. Sons of Atilla was practically a year ago. The MiG-29 has been irrelevant for a longer period than when it was relevant.

Nobody is saying that USSR has to be dominant…rather that there needs to be some room for counter-play.

In the MiG-29 vs F-16 meta there were chances for counter-play. If I was playing the F-16 with the G limiter…I still had a pretty reliable advantage in the form of my IR missiles have more range and flare resistance than the R-60Ms, and I had a pretty reliable advantage in a dogfight as long as I was aware of how the G-limiter worked…and the thing is…I could actually utilize those advantages reliably because of 100m multipathing…the dynamic was not entirely one sided.

Since then…the g limit on the F-16 has been removed and the MiG-29 flight model has been nerfed. It no longer has any advantage in the initial turn and loses a prolonged fight even faster than it did before…so the flight model differences are not multi-dimensional anymore. The R-27ER is still the best SARH missile in the game…but it’s range advantage is largely negated by the Aim-120…and the reduction in multipathing height drastically increases the viability of radar missiles to the extent that just flying low isn’t enough to force a merge on most maps.

So “dealing with it” in the F-16A was basically limited to flying low to avoid long range R-27ER shots…forcing the merge…and then having a pretty even fight from there. The “dealing with it” in the Su-27 or MiG-29 currently basically amounts to avoiding all of the AMRAAMs that are launched at you…trying to notch but also not hold the notch for too long because it opens perfect shot for side aspect Aim-9M…maybe forcing the merge…and then hoping that the guy is less skilled than you are and hoping for the best.

This imbalance is really easy to disguise in Air RB with the potpourri matchmaker where all planes end up on all sides. However in Air Sim where USSR always fights USA + Assorted Allies…it has been mind numbingly easy for me to sleepwalk my way into a 100 percent win rate with the F-16A and a 90% win rate in the F-16C. These planes are currently more dominant than they have ever been.

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All of the other Fox-3s are underperforming more thought, R-77 among them (AAM-4 or MICA should probably be the best fox-3 right now if modelled correctly).

The problem with the Soviet tech tree is the vehicles gaijin choose to add. They should have added stuff like the MiG-29M and the Su-27M, both from the early 90s, instead of adding planes that just took old airframes and somewhat upgraded them with some of the stuff that was present in the MiG-29M/Su-27M.

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I dont see how even if the r77 gets correctly modeled it not being the same situation we have now.

Range is huge factor in what planes have advantage, and aim120 will always have that over the r77.

Less range advantage = less dominance, what can’t be seen here?
Also R-77 better close range performance, unlike at the start of the update, is now noticeable to me. Under 15km at low altitude it turns harder and accelerates faster. If the long range performance gap was less (aka more r-77 planes survive at the start), the close range advantage would matter more

Hell no it dont, its range is slightly over 70 kilometers. well known, there is indian claims and literal cockpit footage of it being fired

no i was talking about r77m